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User Forum => Contact BSR Room Owner => Topic started by: TrumpLostSaysCyberNinjas on July 09, 2021, 10:35:16 pm

Title: My first amendment rights
Post by: TrumpLostSaysCyberNinjas on July 09, 2021, 10:35:16 pm
I feel that Maine Conch in the politics  hate it or debate it room has violated my first amendment right to free speech by banning me .
Since Donald Trump is filing a lawsuit against facebook and twitter for the same thing .

but  im not sure if i should sue buzzen or the owner of the  hate it politics room , I will just ask  my attorney
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: CrawfishCarl on July 10, 2021, 12:01:06 am
can you post the video of your attorney laughing in your face afterwards?
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: anon on July 10, 2021, 12:15:21 am

(no one cares)

but  im not sure if i should sue buzzen or the owner of the  hate it politics room , I will just ask  my attorney

Is it Rudy Giuliani?
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: anon on July 10, 2021, 12:15:53 am
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: 🎼𝕍ΐvค𝕍๏c𝕖♫ on July 10, 2021, 11:10:48 pm
I would suggest maybe an appt with a therapist first might save you both $$ and humiliation by engaging a lawyer ... or just find another hobby other than falling down the Trump stairs of fruitless time-consuming litigation ...* though free advice I gained from chatrooms #OnionsOnYourFeetCuresAll
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: TrumpLostSaysCyberNinjas on July 11, 2021, 12:45:39 am
Florida just passed a law  allowing people to sue  social media sites that are restricting  your right to free speech . I live in Florida and have already found a good lawyer 
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: anon on July 11, 2021, 01:32:07 am
Florida just passed a law  allowing people to sue  social media sites that are restricting  your right to free speech . I live in Florida and have already found a good lawyer

Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: DriftyAlison0 on July 11, 2021, 03:35:50 pm
Go ahead and sue and then when you go broke paying your lawyer fees after losing just like how Trump will lose his case we will all be laughing our asses off.

You broke a rule to get banned. We all have free speech but it does not mean we can use it to do harm.

Learn from this and move on or better yet quit chatting here. Your proving that your just as dumb as Trump.
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: MrNice on July 11, 2021, 06:58:25 pm
The clown banned me as well.  He couldn't take the idea that i didn't support Backpedal Tweet aka President **.
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: MrNice on July 11, 2021, 07:03:40 pm
Room is full of twisted, false information and they say "Debate it"  Lies all the time.
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: Wrench on July 11, 2021, 08:26:11 pm
anon must be one of those idiot kiddy scriptors

Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: Eyecu on July 11, 2021, 08:35:04 pm
hmmm Well shit, guess we need to get a lawyer...oh wait Buzzen isn't American in any way shape or form Nor are we a government ( your first amendment is the government can't censor your speech ) And really to be honest i'm and sick of people threatening to sue for violating your rights. If you don't like the way a room is run then don't go in it. You don't like Buzzens policy...there are many other chat networks out there...No one forces you to chat here nor do we force you to stay. Grow the hell up and put your big girl panties on. If you can't do that go find your safe space and stay there.
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: ŋauġhty ġurļ on July 14, 2021, 04:33:57 pm
CastratedPotato, I don't chat much any longer...but, in my opinion you need a REAL hobby.
Who in their right mind would make such an idiotic post, just to get people all riled up?
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: TrumpLostSaysCyberNinjas on July 15, 2021, 07:37:26 pm
buzz off airhead
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: ●ǝɹɐɯʇɥɓᴉN● on July 16, 2021, 05:29:54 pm
that coming from someone who wouldnt have the balls to say that to my face think canada  would even exist without america? .....i am being sarcastic  pointing out how much of an idiot  Donald Trump is trying to sue facebook for censorship ........and look how many idiots actually believe im being serious  including the management of this chicken crap service

So CastratedPotato, you are calling someone out for posting on a forum and not saying it to your, who posted on a forum and didn't say it to the persons face. 

Mensa candidate right there, folks.  The only part of this that gives me a glimmer of hope is if he is in fact castrated. One can only hope THAT isn't capable of reproducing.
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: TrumpLostSaysCyberNinjas on July 16, 2021, 07:25:39 pm
get a life  idiot
Title: Re: My first amendment rights
Post by: ●ǝɹɐɯʇɥɓᴉN● on July 17, 2021, 06:17:46 pm
What a prolific vocabulary.  Your linguistic skills are well noted. I, for one, cannot wait to see what prose awaits us next.