Author Topic: Thank you ! (L)  (Read 797 times)

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Thank you ! (L)
« on: March 16, 2024, 11:25:20 AM »
As my one year on Buzzen is here, Id just like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who made this year so enjoyable !
Last March when i popped into chat, i didnt expect to stay longer than a few minutes hahaha Ooops..

I just want to thank someone .. for having a room for me to join when i came in so you could ban my ass for offering to help Buzzen Chat grow by inviting my old msn chatroom friends over... (btw, i think they thank you as well..)   & then i was forced to hang out in the Buzzen Sports Bar ( told ya.. huge mistake, eh ) .. which just grew into such a fun room 24/7 ! My love.  (L)
To you know who , for letting ppl know about the Sports Bar when we first started to grow ....& for branding the new chatters.. i know you no longer hang with us, but i still appreciate all the work ya put in .. i kept the knife u put in my back , i use it to cut my cake every day.. Thank you !!!!  !! ..
To the old relay manager, who accused me of hooking up with Wes ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D to takeover relay + alot of other unrealistic bullshit lies.... had he never done that, i wouldnt be a Relay Radio DJ today & I love it so much ! (L)
To all those who believed all of the horrible things said abt me without actually fact checking, I thank you all.. for  you saved me a lot of work  :-[
Y'all hold a  special place in my buzzen life... I thank you ALL. (L)(L) I truly mean this (L)
( i do still wish the olive branches had been accepted & we could have ALL worked towards the ONE goal we all have - Keeping Buzzen Chat alive & hopping... heck i still offer for y'all to use our ideas & to join the fun & games & I always will... dont even mind when our ideas get copied... as long as it helps Buzzen Chat its all good ! )

Now.. to the real hero's ...
To Wes & Ness - you trusted me & convinced me to stay & help Buzzen grow .. the biggest Thank you for believing in me ! (L) Look at what we have done....
In 1 short year we have upped the chatters on the Buzzen chat , bringing in so many new & old chatters to join in the fun ! The spark has been relit in Buzzen Chat !
All of the Fun & exciting games & ideas we have come up with to bring new chatters back to Buzzen thru hard work every day, advertising in as many places as we can think of, the Second chances of sooo many people having their bans lifted ... Its All played such a huge part in keeping Buzzen Chat going ! Let's keep working hard & watching the hard work pay off ;)

In 1 short year we rebuilt a radio station after it had been torn to bits.. we now play for listeners not just in Buzzen chat but for so many who dont even knwow hat buzzen chat is haha  We have put together a great DJ team, who strive to do their best & cover as many chat hours & music genre's, always listening to what the listeners want and giving it to them. Relays listener counts have tripled,daily, weekly & monthly.. Its pretty freaking amazing really.
In 1 short year we created, designed & opened The Relay Radio ( and buzzen chat ) Shop - holy heck what a hit ! Brill idea .. and the people are loving it. To know that our designs are out there across the world blows my mind.
The way we have made chat & relay into an interactive social media platform is pretty awe inspiring.. in just 1 short year .. It has taken a team.. along the way we have lost a few, gained many & we keep on keepin on. Its not been an easy road.. but we did it.. 1 freakin year later . Lookit us go !!!! So proud guys.  :-[
2 peas in a pod & their mentor  :-[ ;D

To my new bro, Brok aka Chain... thanks for everything... & for stepping up when we needed you most !  :-[ :-*
Ceds.. you & your graphics... the ultimate. I couldnt advertise without ya.. i appreciate ya.. Im tellin ya man !
In 1 short year I have gained some new, amazing friends... so many i wont list ya'll but you know who you's are. Thank you for being my friends, for having my back.. and for making me laugh on the days I most need it. 
To The Chatters In the Buzzen Sports Bar - without you all, we wouldn't be.. so just know that every single one of you matter & I appreciate you ALL !
 Everyone who makes my Buzzen Chat experience the best ever.. I appreciate ya'll so much.

We all should keep in mind, we dont know what a person is going thru on the other side of our monitors.. we should strive to be kind.. In chat & in Life.

Now on to year 2 mothereffers lets freakin gooo !!!!! & Go Canucks Go !



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Re: Thank you ! (L)
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2024, 11:54:37 AM »
I couldn't love this anymore if i tried !!! Your a breath of Fresh air Ellie You made chat fun again and it reminds me of how it was before i left . i only hope that one day it will go back to how it was but in a more future tense . I absolutely love that You trusted Wes and i also to create such an amazing room . We should all have the same goal Help Buzzen Grow ... ThankYou for being the amazing person You are Here's too the next year can't wait to see how far we go !!! Love You Lots Ellie (L)

Re: Thank you ! (L)
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2024, 11:58:51 AM »
WOW Elly..........and thank you for all your hard work, many hours go into  the games and fun things you plan.  I havent been part of the first whole year... i loved my prior chat room  but found that when i went in there wasnt much chat going on.  Soooo i took a chance..had heard things about but found you to be a fun person to get to know!  Thanks again for hanging in when things got stressful... speaking for myself and Im sure for many in the SportsBar...thank you!!!  Happy 1 year anniversary!!!  Keep on keepin' on.  Best wishes for YEAR friggin 2!!!!!!!!!  Dee  (L)(L)(L)

Re: Thank you ! (L)
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2024, 05:16:16 PM »
Nothing is wasted when hard work is placed as a priority. 

You have done amazingly to bring chat back to life with Sports Bar and in general with Buzzen and Relay-Radio.  It takes a village to do everything, have your back, keep fresh ideas, recreate things when they no longer work, but it takes a great leader to do that well, and you are such person. 

I have admiration for all you do, mostly because when you could easily give up, when people attack your person, when people treat you like a second hand citizen, when life happens, when things aren't always great, you choose to keep pushing forward, and that is to be admired and commended.
I am here for now, not the entire year, but giving every bit of me to the main goal, to keep Buzzen & Relay-Radio going stronger than ever. 

Here's to the second year, which I will be part of, to many more wonderful memories, friendships of new and old chatters, and to all the more success.  Happy 1 year anniversary!!!


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Re: Thank you ! (L)
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2024, 02:13:06 AM »
well said Miss Ellie


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Re: Thank you ! (L)
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2024, 08:03:17 PM »
Thank You all