Author Topic: Important Info  (Read 4713 times)

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Important Info
« on: April 22, 2024, 11:41:37 am »
I dont think people get it... so lets go over this...

Wes owns buzzen .. along with his partners & his besties..pays for & keep it running smooth for everyone.

Relay Radio is BUZZENS radio station.. So it makes sense that Wes, who owns Buzzen would advertise HIS radio station on HIS chat site.
The server broadcasts- wes can NOT dictate what rooms these go to, they are BUZZEN server broadcasts that go out to all the rooms .. and again WES's site , WES radio station .. so YEs he will be advertising it. Does this not make sense ? He also has Relay in numerous rooms as well as other servers & websites that it is broadcast out to. Its called advertising  HIS own business.

Now.. Error surprised wes with a new player on the webchat because LISTENERS were asking for it. This will be on the bottom of ALL Buzzen chatrooms because well, once again, Wes owns Buzzen & relay Radio ... There is an OFF Button so no one is being forced to listen, just make sure the player is off . Common sense.

Buzzen & relay are a business, .. that costs a shit ton of money to run. For Wes to keep Buzzen open , he has to advertise.  .. and since wes owns buzzen chat, its common sense HIS radio station will be all over HIS site.

NOONE cares who people listen to or where they all wes is doing is trying to keep his BUSINESS running , the one that he puts alot of money into for US all to chat for FREE. Revenue to keep Buzzen going has to come from somewhere.

Now, with that being said, People are not allowed to earn money off of Buzzen as its a BUsiness, yet he allows another radio station to do so, with NO complaints, NO rules put in place.. he lets them be to do their thing. So can we just stop ?
There is NO room war there is no station war. People chat & tune in where & when they want but everyone needs to keep in mind, This is a Business that costs money to run.. Chat & Relay .. so Wes has to do for HIS Business, what he can. But Him, Chain & Error always do what they can to make it user friendly.. so just turn the radio off & viola, its not being forced on you no matter what room you choose to chat in !

Let's work towards keeping Buzzen Chat going..

( ive been saying this from day 1 & ive never waiver'd nor will i .. We should all be working together so Buzzen CAN stay open for us ALL )

Cheers - and no matter who you tune into, Enjoy !!!

So lets stop the hate  :'(

Re: Important Info
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2024, 12:40:37 pm »
Huzzah and well said! Who cares what room you go in or who you prefer to listen to. Be glad you have a choice. 8)

ŋauġhty ġurļ

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Re: Important Info
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2024, 01:47:52 pm »
Ellie, thank you for clarifying how the radio announcements work.I dont know where I got the idea that Buzzen could pick and choose where those announcements could be seen.


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2024, 03:42:11 pm »
No problem Naughty. I do think sometimes its just a lot of miscommunication or maybe not enough lol

Re: Important Info
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2024, 05:35:36 pm »
I, for one, have never and will never, listen to any radio station while online. With that being said, I feel that the radio station is being forced on me, and others, weather or not I want it on my computer. If folks want to listen to music they can click on it to listen, it should not be forced on anyone. Personally I think it is nonsense, if you want to listen to the radio, you click on it, seems like an easy task. And yeah, I don't see and "OFF" button......
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 05:37:47 pm by Ṗḕåĉħêş™ »


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2024, 05:58:24 pm »
To tune in to relay via the link on the bottom of the chat screen, you have to CLICK ON for it to play ..see the lil arrow or square .. 1 is on & 1 is off.
Noone cares where or who you tune in to LOL .. really, we dont.

I dont think you are comprehending things right tho .. maybe due to the anger ? I dont know lol
You also have many other ways to not see it or not hear it.
Bottom line, Wes owns Buzzen & relay Radio.. It is common sense for a business owner to advertise his business on his site. LOL Its not being forced on anyone. I find that to be so immature. 
We say over & over & over .. LISTEN TO WHO YOU WANT.. CHAT WHERE YOU WANT..No one cares but you ? People from all rooms tune into Relay ;) and some from the bar & relay tune into Galaxy. Noone cares  :'( :'( :'( The room with the other radio station have not voiced any concerns .. ever.
But to have so much hate & anger towards something  that is common sense, is wasted anger. Focus it on making your room & radio FUN for everyone !!!  :-\

IF there is an issue & you guys are having issues finding the On & Off buttons, i am sure Error would be fine with helping you . All you've to do is ask.  Good lort.
People need to just stop the freaking hate ... :(

Cheers !!!

Re: Important Info
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2024, 06:08:11 pm »
First, I am not angry. I just feel that if you want to listen to music you can click on "Radio" at the top of the page. From what I can tell it is running in the background which I do not like. It was stated to turn it "off" yet it is not labeled as to clicking a certain thing will turn it "off". Other buttons, if you hover over them, they tell you what they are for.

To ASSume I am angry would be incorrect. I am just voicing my opinion just as others have.

We should be able to take criticism as well as praise.  :)

Have a great rest of your day!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 06:12:57 pm by Ṗḕåĉħêş™ »


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2024, 06:53:45 pm »
Mmmhmmm... i think much gets assumed .. LOL hence me even making this post  ;D ;D ;D & really, what started alll this nonsense  ;D ;D ;D :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :'(
I explained why the bottom radio was created.. lol if you read the whole opening post. Listeners asked for it, and relay is buzzens radio, buzzen is wes's .... *sigh*

anyhow... if you have questions about it all, feel free to ask the geeks ! Its what i do when i dont know ..LOL  :D

J o h n

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Re: Important Info
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2024, 08:15:13 pm »
I am glad most people type large so I can read it I wanted to ask the question how do I know if I'm winning the award for the most typos how do I know the score right now I hope I'm winning cause I'm just the most fantastic typer in the network woot woot !! (K) :P>:?:D


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2024, 08:16:19 pm »
oh my god who cares. it's out of sight, it doesn't use any more resources, it's not autoplaying (you have to click play to actually get it) and if you hate it that much, use mirc or xchat. I've witnessed a lot of work be poured into buzzen by wes, err0r and chain in the last few months. They're doing their best. It's a free server. They gotta make money to host the fucking site. Buzzens radio is a revenue source. Without money nobody has buzzen. None of us. Do you want to end up in some discord server? Guess what.. discord fucking sucks. I don't see any of us lining up to pay for everything. The radio station is part of buzzen itself. Nobody is hating on OM or Galaxy. Nobody is trying to push them out. Nobody is trying to start a room war. Or radio war. Or whatever silly war. It doesn't matter what station you listen to or where you chat, as long as you have fun and don't axe murder someone. It's supposed to be fun here. Chill.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 08:19:20 pm by anon »


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2024, 08:25:44 pm »
I am glad most people type large so I can read it I wanted to ask the question how do I know if I'm winning the award for the most typos how do I know the score right now I hope I'm winning cause I'm just the most fantastic typer in the network woot woot !! (K) :P>:?:D

wrong Post John (fpl) lmaoooooooo


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2024, 08:29:10 pm »
Lastly, I've listened to both stations. They both have good music and good DJs. Everyone get along ffs. Life's too short to walk around pissed off all the time


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2024, 08:32:25 pm »
oh my god who cares. it's out of sight, it doesn't use any more resources, it's not autoplaying (you have to click play to actually get it) and if you hate it that much, use mirc or xchat. I've witnessed a lot of work be poured into buzzen by wes, err0r and chain in the last few months. They're doing their best. It's a free server. They gotta make money to host the fucking site. Buzzens radio is a revenue source. Without money nobody has buzzen. None of us. Do you want to end up in some discord server? Guess what.. discord fucking sucks. I don't see any of us lining up to pay for everything. The radio station is part of buzzen itself. Nobody is hating on OM or Galaxy. Nobody is trying to push them out. Nobody is trying to start a room war. Or radio war. Or whatever silly war. It doesn't matter what station you listen to or where you chat, as long as you have fun and don't axe murder someone. It's supposed to be fun here. Chill.

Couldn't have said this any better Anon Buzzen is trying to move forward with the times growing bigger and better day by day. Just Chill Chat Wherever You like n Listen to whatever You like and Let Wes Run His Business The Way He See's Fit !! Simples Really


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Re: Important Info
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2024, 08:42:33 pm »
We must all band together to fight the real enemy.. Crab People. And gen Z kids. Fuck they're weird..

« Last Edit: April 22, 2024, 08:46:13 pm by anon »

Re: Important Info
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2024, 11:06:52 pm »
As a Galaxy Radio Dj .. I sometimes tune in to some relay djs.. We have one goal to enjoy music and share music! Anyway thats all adios!  :-*