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Group: Gorean Dreams

cleaning hearth

Started by kamaria 3 Moons, 2024-01-18 6:47:23 pm
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Last Active: 2025-02-03 4:29:29 am
Posted 2024-01-18 6:47:23 pm

[06:49p] kamaria 3 Moons puts on a celan pair of boots and a jacket to cover myself on this winter evening i go through the kitchen and out the back door i walk down the path to the shed tugging open the door , i slip inside, I go to the back of the shed and gets a large pail to clean out the hearth

[06:53p] kamaria 3 Moons brushes her hair over her shoulders as she hurries back to the main hall closing the backdoor behind me, i leave my boots and coat at the backdoor encase one of my sisters might need it, the warmth in the kjitchen hearth heats the large kitchen as i smile and head into the main hall, going to the hearth i kneel down and with the hearth brush i begin to clean out the hearth, knowing that the fire has been out for awhile

[06:57p] kamaria 3 Moons she begins to sweep the ash and twigs into the pail. once done i go the wood pile and go check to see if there needs to be more, finding it does i lay new fire wood put in twigs and paper and get the fire started blowing on the flames to get them to catch good once the fire is blazing i dump the soot and waste from the hearth out back , grab my boots and coat once again

[06:59p] kamaria 3 Moons gets a pair of work gloves and goes out back to the wood pile and begins to carry it inside and fills up both the wood bin in the kitchen and in the main ahll once done , i smiles a little out of breath as i see the free congrgrating around the hearth, i hang up coat and boots then clean myself up and go about cleaning