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Poor Nessie isn't kidding, she's had a typing day to forget, pretty sure she meant inconvenience 

My chat name on Buzzen is Ebะพny. I just tried to join the Sports Bar to chat for a bit. Upon joining, I received an error message that read: IRC Error: 474. You or similar mask is currently banned by a host in this "Buzzen Sports Bar" chatroom, or banned completely from the chat service due to violations of the Code of Conduct. You may be able to reconnect at a later time.

Would you be so kind as to explain why I am banned and if possible remove the ban so I may chat freely again? I may be contacted at:


With thanks & kind regards,

Your ban should be lifted now . Try and come back to the sports bar so we can make sure Sorry for the inconveniencere .
I have removed 2 of your post due to repeating the same issues. I'm sure when the Owners of the room see the post they will respond Thanks.

My chat name on Buzzen is Ebะพny. I just tried to join the Sports Bar to chat for a bit. Upon joining, I received an error message that read: IRC Error: 474. You or similar mask is currently banned by a host in this "Buzzen Sports Bar" chatroom, or banned completely from the chat service due to violations of the Code of Conduct. You may be able to reconnect at a later time.

Would you be so kind as to explain why I am banned and if possible remove the ban so I may chat freely again? I may be contacted at:

With thanks & kind regards,
Promote Your Room / Re: Kickback Cafe is up and running. Everyone Invited!
« Last post by Jedi on April 29, 2024, 10:41:16 PM »
Hey PeluHappy - Miss you buddy. How's the retirement home treating you?
Chit Chat / Re: Galaxy Radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last post by โ™”Laษ—yฦŠแปŠ๐ŸŽง on April 29, 2024, 09:37:33 PM »
Come join me! Chillax and smooth music!
Promote Your Room / Re: Kickback Cafe is up and running. Everyone Invited!
« Last post by PeluMaad on April 29, 2024, 07:21:03 PM »
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