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Mokosh's Profile

Current Mood: Peaceful
Mokosh (Mokosh, *)
Female - Caisra, Italy
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2021-04-24 8:53:32 pm Viewed 424 times Likes 3


Ancient Rome, Caisra 


              Sea silk. 

The most priceless fabric on earth. 


 I am the diver for & weaver of the priceless byssus, also known as sea silk. 

I live here nearly year round, having inherited  a nondescript home. Appearances can be so deceiving, can they not ?  My home is simply stunning in its elegant simplicity. Located on a rocky outcrop overlooking the sea on the outskirts of the city. You may find it if you look hard enough. 

I' d grown weary of traveling, having done so for much of my adult life. That, combined with  diving for the priceless byssus being still productive here, brought my far and wide travels to an end. In many coastal cities byssus harvesting  has been completely wiped out. Dangerously over fished, it is now strictly regulated by governance. I am the only one left who may still swim for it.

The natural color for byssus is  light to dark bronze, depending on the time of the year it is harvested. It can and I have, dyed it to various colors, pure white being the most labor intensive and difficult, black nearly impossible. A lighter blue is easily achievable and most preferred.  The government of Romae has designated purple for royalty only. 

I was taught, from nearly before I could walk, how to obtain it, from my maternal bloodline. It has always been so. Since the beginning of time. Only girls and women swim for it. I don't know why, perhaps it's because our touch is more gentle than that of man. 

I wear what I harvest and why not? My designs, sought by many, I've learned from spending all those years  in far away places and those obscure spaces none would ever think to look.  Far, so very very far, across the sea from here. I  wisely chose to travel the silk road and spent quality time in the Orient. It was there I  learned those exquisite intricate details that add such a perfect and  unique touch to whatever garb I construct. In the process of my travels I met many fine people, and have made life long friends. They visit me here from time to time.

 I return to Mediolanum four times a year to my family's design shop with the sea silk, woven and dyed. On my return I spend time  in Romae with family, armed  with bespoke garb for the Patricians there. I also craft wedding garb on request. Be so kind as to give me 8 to 12 weeks to complete. 

I brought back two elephants (Dramps & Draya), two horses ( Vengo & Va) and two camels (Achu & Easy) from my travels to the African continent.  Sometimes, when the weather is fine I ride them.  I give children rides on the horses and elephants from time to time but never the camels. They spit. It is unfortunate, but there it is.

Speaking of camels, in Aegyptus it is common to use an apricot pit  to prevent female camels  from conceiving. It seems reasonable one could do that with horses as well. I would think a handfuls would be necessary for pachyderms.

Fortunately we  ingest silphium. Can you even IMAGINE us using apricot pits? Neither can I (shudders at the thought). But, in the not too distant future it could well become reality. At the alarming rate silphium is being consumed, not only to prevent conception, but  for seasoning, perfume, as an aphrodisiac and in medicine, it too will shortly become nonexistent.

I have a passion for flowers. I grow wide varieties of them and often use the petals for dyes and scents for the skin and hair.


Mine is a good life. I am content, I do not wish nor want for more.


Cyprian has left (retired his character), leaving the City and its occupants in my care. Those wishing to engage in ancient Roman role play need do not much more than contact me and we shall get started. The rules Cyprian posted remain the essentially the same, with a couple of additions for clarity. 


 Mokosh is typical for a roman patrician woman of her time, unabashedly avante garde in her life style choices. A world traveler,  and designer of clothing for those too of high station. Patrician women owned their own businesses, engaged in politics, sporting events and so on. The one thing that eluded them was the holding of public office. But they were a force to be reckoned with .

The world of " high fashion " began in Mediolanum, now known as Milan, where Mokosh was born. 


I also role play  Lady Kyrielle, Gorean Scribe. 


 ~* ~




































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