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🐍Vipes🐍™'s Profile

Current Mood: Crazy
🐍Vipes🐍™ (Vipez, *)
Male - 58 years old, Vancouver, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Updated: 2023-12-10 6:21:47 pm Viewed 614 times Likes 2

Hi, my name is Vipes, and I am a Canadian, I do Photography.

My favorite sport is hockey, I like the Vancouver Canucks.

I like watching CFL Football, the BC Lions is my team.

I like the Seattle Seahawks too, for NFL.


I am a dj for Galaxy Radio.

I am on Monday's at 9:30pm est - CLASSIC ROCK SHOW

Thursday's at 9:30pm est METAL MELTDOWN SHOW

Friday's 10:30pn - 12:30am est Party Till Your Pants Fall Down Show

Every 2nd Saturday, at 10pm est TOP 10 AT 10PM EST SHOW the universe...and beyohd...keep it locked on Galaxy Radio!!!

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