Author Topic: Unicorn Trivia Match in Twisted Trivia  (Read 11031 times)

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Unicorn Trivia Match in Twisted Trivia
« on: April 06, 2021, 06:18:59 pm »
You're invited to our 18th team trivia tournament match! We're doing a UNICORN theme this week to celebrate National Unicorn Day (April 9th)! The theme questions will be about the magical unicorn with a few questions on other mythological creatures thrown in.

This match will take place on Friday, April 9th at 11:00pm GMT (London, UK) in the Twisted Trivia chatroom right here on Buzzen. We'd LOVE for you to come!

Please note that some times in Australia/NZ have changed because of daylight saving time. Here is when the match will be played according to where you are in the world:

Vancouver, Canada/Los Angeles, USA 3pm Friday, April 9
Toronto, Canada/New York City, USA 6pm Friday, April 9
Halifax, Canada 7pm Friday, April 9
São Paulo, Brazil 7pm Friday, April 9
London, UK 11pm Friday, April 9
Amsterdam, Netherlands 12midnight Saturday, April 10
Perth, Australia 6am Saturday, April 10
Brisbane, Australia 8am Saturday, April 10
Sydney/Melbourne, Australia 8am Saturday, April 10
Wellington, New Zealand 10am Saturday, April 10

Can't wait!  See you all there!!   :D

Re: Unicorn Trivia Match in Twisted Trivia
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 06:00:33 pm »
Too bad, I missed it. Penimaster pro

We have a special trivia match each Friday @ 11pm GMT in Twisted Trivia.  You are welcome to come!!  This Friday, April 23 is a Battle of the Sexes match...should be a good time!

Re: Unicorn Trivia Match in Twisted Trivia
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2021, 08:07:32 am »
Hi William,

Unfortunately, we will only do the unicorn theme for our trivia matches once.  There are only so many questions you can ask about unicorns, so I believe it would prove difficult to come up with another set of theme questions for another match.

You're welcome to come to another match though!  We will be starting up our matches again after the holidays on Friday, January 7 @ 6pm eastern time/3pm pacific time in the Twisted Trivia Chatroom here on Buzzen.  We have a different theme for our matches each week!  The matches are played in a team tournament mode.  We hope to see you there!
