Author Topic: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔  (Read 7672 times)

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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2023, 02:20:21 pm »
𝔈𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔢™ : no we need MORE diversity with the DJs
𝔈𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔢™ : way too much old people music not enuf young ppl music
𝔈𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔢™ : buzzen isnt a retirement community
You Ellie posted that in your room a month before I quit. How is that " helping Wes "??? The moment I saw that, I  knew you would be trouble.  And you pushing and pushing for Sports talk shows on relay radio and all this other silliness I saw the red flags go up. You kept trying to assert your self into relay radio affairs,. You made it seem like if we didn't do Sports talk shows or contests then we won't be welcomed in your room. I saw the writing on the wall and decided to get the hell out. We never asked, nor wanted, or needed your help with our Shows Ellie. We been doing just fine for many years now.
Congrats you are now the Queen of Buzzen and you have 100% control of everything. By the way I don't see a bunch of "newer younger chatters " banging down the door to join the chat rooms. I just see the same chatters that came from MSN days. You may be the new Queen around here but I refuse to bow down to you.
The best of luck to you all.

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2023, 02:27:26 pm »
I have never met anyone so full of themselves... I was not here for Tweets aka ME.. I was here for the listeners of which you know nothing about how i feel or what i want or get out of being a DJ... That's all gone now so pat yourself on the back for THAT .. of course you'll never take the blame for anything ur head is so full of YOU... why don't you leave well enough alone the damadge is done as far as the radio goes and of course in your mind you have come to the rescue!  i'll not be answering to anymore of your mess ever again best of luck to you and your court .. cheers to the new buzzen queen!!!


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2023, 02:55:17 pm »

Step right up ladies & gentleman! Take your potshot! No holds barred! All snide remarks welcomed! 😕…..😢

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2023, 04:07:13 pm »
Lol I have seen this a hundred times. A new room pops up, it becomes popular, then the egos and personalities clash. Fights occur, usually a new offshoot room pops up, alliances formed, people "leave chat" or "QUIT FOREVAH!!11!!" It's all the same old song and dance. And the ending is always the same, with everyone all pissed off, butthurt and rooms left empty. It's happened so many times in every chat server that has ever existed. It happens in forums, gaming communities, sports communities. Everywhere. And 99% of the time it all boils down to people being reactionary and having a fit over small things. I mean look at you. Arguing on the internet on labor day weekend. Go outside. Have some ice cream. Talk to a woman (or a guy) maybe get a phone number. Why waste your time being pissed off? How old are you people? After all the time on buzzen and all the laughs, good times and friends all of you have made you can't swallow your egos long enough to compromise? discuss things perhaps? Most disagreements can be easily solved if people simply stop behaving like angry chimps and sit down and talk like adults. This is not helping buzzen or relay at all and has in fact turned some off from buzzen. New users will read this and think, yeah nah. and fuck off somewhere else. I'm not taking sides. I think all of you are being rather childish right now. I hear one thing from everyone though; everyone wants buzzen and its radio to thrive. Both sides always mention this. So.. then fucking do it. No one is going to get along all the time and not everyone is going to like each other. But millions of people manage to get along with those they dislike every day because we managed to grow out of puberty. Change happens. One can embrace it and do their bit to make it better or they can play their tiny violin all day long. I am watching both "sides" suffer because of the recent events. So go back to the table, talk about your issues like adults and move forward. I would even suggest a third party moderator. But this right here? right now? Is not working. You can all do so much better. Be the people you want to be. Be better.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2023, 12:31:43 am by the FIST 👊  »


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2023, 04:26:44 pm »
Hey Tweets
  Keep your chin up kiddo...this isn't the end of the world. You DJs should get together and start your own station. It's cheaper and easier than you might think. Glitters and I had a blast gettin down to Country Night at your place. You know we lub ya :-*. Hope you also know you're always welcome at our place when you need a country Sorry, you guys feel like you have to quit, I know you all loved doing it. Things will get better, cya miss tweet.....Hack

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #20 on: September 03, 2023, 05:27:31 pm »
Lol I have seen this a hundred times. A new room pops up, it becomes popular, then the egos and personalities clash. Fights occur, usually a new offshoot room pops up, alliances formed, people "leave chat" or "QUIT FOREVAH!!11!!" It's all the same old song and dance. And the ending is always the same also, with everyone all pissed off, butthurt and rooms left empty. It's happened so many times in every chat server that has ever existed. It happens in forums, gaming communities, sports communities. Everywhere. And 99% of the time it all boils down to people being reactionary and having a fit over small things. I mean look at you. Arguing on the internet on labor day weekend. Go outside. Have some ice cream. Talk to a woman (or a guy) maybe get a phone number. Why waste your time being pissed off? How old are you people? After all the time on buzzen and various places you can't swallow your egos long enough to compromise? discuss things perhaps? Most disagreements can be easily solved if people simply stop behaving like angry chimps and sit down and talk like adults. This is not helping buzzen or relay at all and has in fact turned some off from buzzen. New users will read this and think, yeah nah. and fuck off somewhere else. I'm not taking sides. I think all of you are being rather childish right now. I hear one thing from everyone though; everyone wants buzzen and its radio to thrive. Both sides always mention this. So.. then fucking do it. No one is going to get along all the time and not everyone is going to like each other. But millions of people manage to get along with those they dislike every day because we managed to grow out of puberty. Change happens. One can embrace it and do their bit to make it better or they can play their tiny violin all day long. I am watching both "sides" suffer because of the recent events. So go back to the table, talk about your issues like adults and move forward. I would even suggest a third party moderator. But this right here? right now? Is not working. You can all do so much better. Be the people you want to be. Be better.

Mr FIST ... it is so good to finally hear from you ... ty for what you said here, lots of good stuff in there

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2023, 10:48:53 pm »
What a spit in the face for all our long time hard working DJ's who gave us their time and music. I miss Sizzle Radio Memphis, Matty, Tweets, Timmy and lets not forget our beloved LeighLay and Joshy!!! they were awesome. It was fun and they kept listeners entertained and shared all kinds of music!!!  NO DRAMA.  I LOVE YOU GUYS ALWAYS!!!


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #22 on: September 04, 2023, 02:58:32 am »
Lol old people music and not young folk stuff news flash I played lottttts of newer stuff.
If people actually heard my shows.
It's a shame where this mess has got to.

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #23 on: September 04, 2023, 05:17:09 am »
Hey Tweets
  Keep your chin up kiddo...this isn't the end of the world. You DJs should get together and start your own station. It's cheaper and easier than you might think. Glitters and I had a blast gettin down to Country Night at your place. You know we lub ya :-*. Hope you also know you're always welcome at our place when you need a country Sorry, you guys feel like you have to quit, I know you all loved doing it. Things will get better, cya miss tweet.....Hack

There is wisdom here


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2023, 01:33:09 pm »
Tweets and Shocky - Y’all rock and I hope you find your joy again


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2023, 02:23:01 pm »
ya know is so dang sad that there  is always people that wanna cause trouble or are not happy unless they can cut others down,,,, if you you younger ones like ellie complain about old peoples music,, well here's a tip sweety a lot of us a have been chat over 20 years and were older,,, you dont like it start your own young people room,,,, chat use to be fun but this bickering and picking and insulting others just really pisses me off,,,, hence why im not around much anymore ive made great friends over the years in chat and still keep in touch with alot  tweets was one of the best djs there ever was ,, she had the voice and personality for it, i could never do that type of thing and it makes me furious that its bad enough one radio station got messed up then another started, sure enough the trouble makers had to get involved and mess things up,, it ceases to amaze me how adults can be so dam childish and immature,,, i think a lot are so unhappy with their lives that they live to make others miserable,,,gonna be a lot of miserable old people with the attitudes they have towards others now,,, i hope another radio station gets going that will have some of the great djs we have,,, if you dont like the music then stay the heck out of it and dont listen in stead of runining your mouth and putting down the music , no ones forcing you to listen, us oldies like the old music along with the new,,,, thank heaven for youtube at least i dont have to put up with people there fighting and acting like bratty kids,,, nuff said,, radio lost a great dj,,,,


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2023, 02:27:53 pm »
What I don't understand is why different DJ's cannot have different platforms of entertainment they want to do. If someone wants to DJ rock all night long, let them! If another wants to specialize in sports broadcasting, let them! If another wants to play oldies, let them! If another wants to do contemporary or pop, let them! It's important each DJ that wants to run it get their opportunities vs trying to change the whole relay radio platform or the whole idea is going to fail.

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2023, 02:50:53 pm »
again.. if anyone wants to come and ask ME , i am always open. I refuse to sit n sling shit & namecall and accuse tho. If ya dont like me, tis coool.. ive no issue with that ... but we are all adults here .. i think LOL

I did say that ( i own my shit.. lol im not perfect .. ) but maybe add context to it.. LOL COMMON SENSE works ...
. We had been & still are,  discussing reaching a larger demographic to bring to chat... i mean come on, we are a 40+ group of chatters from the old days, we arnt young. LOL To advertise and bring in MORE chatters to Buzzen,we need to reach ALL demographics... not just the oldies... so yes, i did say we should be trying to reach a younger demographic. We want to bring in ppl with alll types of hobbies... sports, comedy, cooking etc etc ... From a business point it makes complete sense.. and once again, it HELPS WES .. and in turn, keeps buzzen around. I have such a hard time fathoming how everyone could not be on board to get together and do that. :(

I am not young so i do not see why people would ASSUME i was complaining or ripping on anyone of age  thats just silly... ... i crack jokes abt us needing naps when its slow time in chat etc all the time LOL  I tuned into EVERY DJ. EVERY time any of them were on whether they were in my room or not, i also advertised them all .. I had NO issue with them.My fave was Miles tho.. damn he was good.. lol
 Shit, we even made a room in hopes of getting all room owners on board with building buzzen back up again but then people started all this drama .. NONE of what i am trying to do was anything personal to anyone its all just about helping Buzzen .. i guess from a new eye, i just saw things we could do to bring more new chatters in.. It was never my intention to upset anyone.. had people talked to me, instead of assuming i meant harm, i think alot of this wld have been avoided.
also..nothing i do , it done without talking to wes first once again.. I am always open to discussion... rather than name calling, accusations and assumptions.

Cheers & remember... Its WES' BDAY SO TELL HIM HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!  :D ;D

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2023, 08:50:13 pm »
I miss the DJ's in the room.  I really wish they had polled each room that they dj'ed in for the opinions of everyone.  Hopefully things change and we get our beloved DJ's back... that would be great and probably just wishful thinking.  Sigh...

ŋauġhty ġurļ

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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2023, 08:54:17 pm »
I miss them as well, Trish.