Author Topic: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔  (Read 4378 times)

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Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« on: September 02, 2023, 06:56:26 PM »
Another sad day in Buzzen as Tweetz will no longer be a dj on Relay Radio. 😕 I loved her shows! She brought her expertise & passion every time she dj’d! She had a wonderful sense of humour & a big heart! She lived to dj! You name the genre & she brought the tunes! She had style & grace! She made my birthday & anyone else’s she hosted, one of the most fun nights of our lives in chat. Saying she will be missed, is an understatement! God bless Tweetz! I’m saddened beyond words & this msg is nowhere close to the accolades you deserve! ❤️ Take care my dear friend! Please come by to chat, dance, & sing with us! Luv ya! *hugs*…..Kitten! 🐾🎵🎤💃🕺
« Last Edit: September 02, 2023, 07:10:14 PM by TrashyKitten »

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2023, 08:12:43 PM »
Thanks so much Kitten for your kind words i'll miss it so much but there comes a time one can't deal with things anymore (L)  maybe see u somewhere else in the future doing the same thing one never knows!!  They say when one door closes another one opens!


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2023, 08:38:42 PM »
I've been away on hiatus and just heard of your retirement sorry to hear that but it never easy when you love what you do. I always enjoyed seeing how you put together your show's playlist.
I know the time it takes and effort not to mention adding color to the shows
An old Owner from Naughty before OM Dread once said to me Radio and Chat will never work... well some of us, like you, have had the pleasure of proving him wrong.   


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2023, 09:48:31 PM »
Hey everyone, with all the rough press we cop, and my life whooping my ass, been insane busy with life, and direction of the life is going I'm going to hang up the mic aswell .
Very sorry guys I'm too busy for it all


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2023, 10:09:53 PM »

Awe Shocky….not you too! 😕 You will be missed! ❤️ I liked your late night Sunday shows. You made me laugh so hard & ohhhh I have to mention your sexy accent! lol Mmm…😛 You always seemed to pull out the purrrfect song when different subjects were brought up. But um…the lyrics to some of your songs were questionable…😇 LOL The banter between you & Judy was hilarious. You two have to get together & have that karaoke night you always talked about doing. I hope life slows down enough for you to enjoy it! Take care! Please come by & chat with us! *hugs*…..Kitten! 🐾🫦

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2023, 10:38:12 PM »
Tweets I am so sorry to see will be truly missed by me for sure...we go wayyyyyy back...You were always my Queen of Country DJ...I wish you all the best and stay healthy...Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing an all..with lots of love to you...(L)(L)(L)

and Shocky I wish you all the best as well, hope life treats you good and have fun in life...take care

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2023, 10:41:26 PM »
This is getting ridiculous.   ???

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2023, 02:34:13 AM »
Tweets and Shocky so many blows in one afternoon LoL thanks for the tunes Tweety I really enjoyed your shows sometimes Id hear something I hadn't heard in years you are a really nice lady and I will miss your welcoming voice.

Shocky my Australian shockjock, your outa here to eh well Il play some favs this afternoon Inxs, Divinyls, mondo rock. Take care mate




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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2023, 03:19:59 AM »
Tweetser and Shock guys you will be missed terribly thanks for the music all these years i have listened to you. I cant believe that relay has sunk so low but i guess thats what happens when people get kicked sideways. Cedrus and Phobes will always try to listen to you and the odd appearance by Mario. Take care you dj's in whatever lifes directions you follow. Smh

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2023, 10:03:41 AM »
Thanks all our friends Jon, Monica, ozboss, kitten... you have no idea how or why i made my dedicison seems that person wanted to jump in my grave she has done so now so best of luck to you my dear u ran off someone who not only loves being a DJ but hey every dog has their day ;) woof woof Big E ;)


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2023, 11:31:29 AM »
Hold up ..... No one has jumped in anyones grave .... Ellie has done nothing but help Buzzen and also Relay Radio from promoting the DJ's and their shows all over social media to giving ideas for different types of shows .... What You all dont see behind the scenes is how many chatters have started coming back or joining chat ... There's actually more chatters on line at any one time now ... and that is thanks to Ellie promoting Buzzen on every single social media platform She can .... We actually have two main rooms now instead of it just being one ... Chatters and DJ's have always said how much fun they were having since Ellie returned to chat but i guess that was just folks being two faced ... No one is taking over ... but Tim quit so Ellie stepped up making sure that relay radio kept running because chat seems to flow so much better when theres music ... Sometimes when things start growing what once was ok has to change to work alongside the thing thats growing and i guess not everyone likes changes .... Now this causing drama for no reason at all is probably why chat started dying off in the first place .... All we have wanted is to help Wes make Buzzen great again !!!  i hope this has cleared a few things up !!!

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2023, 12:25:17 PM »
well first of all i'd like to comment on things going on behind the scenes and some things you don't see!!!  Which is why Senior Djs have that have been doing this for so many years!!!  No one gave us any ideas for our shows so get that straight!!!  We know exaclty what we are doing when we Dj...Just because Ellie has inserted herslf into the Radio now is because of the lack of DJ's there to perfom anymore.. I won't go into details because i dont feel I need to.. peoople can read between the lines.  I guess ur missing that part!  We are proud of what we hage done in Buzzen for so many years before this overnight so called sensation came along so you say... but those aere only your words not ours... we are human and we know when enough is enough.. that time has come for us so plz don't think you or anyone can take away from us what we have done for all these years.. and if you think it was easy for any of us to just leave.. you're so wrong...


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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2023, 01:23:09 PM »
Alright, enough!!! Please, I’m begging you, just stop! This just saddens me beyond words! The dj’s leaving in droves is bad enough but this fighting, is just crazy. This going back & forth giving each other digs & blaming one another is just childish & classless! Plus, what is it really solving? Is this going to change anything? What’s done is done! We’re supposed to be mature adults here! Hurting each others feelings isn’t helping the situation. Please, let’s just all calm down before something is said that can’t be taken back! Did I want to see the dj’s leave, of course not! But to end an era like this, is killing me & I’m sure most chatters would feel the same way! Now please, just go to your perspective corners, & really think about this for a minute, before posting again!
« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 04:27:16 PM by TrashyKitten »

ŋauġhty ġurļ

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Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2023, 01:26:44 PM »
Long before this thread, and the other thread that mysteriously disappeared from this forum, everyone heard the rumors of what was going on.
No matter how many times people are told to keep the drama and the gossip about other rooms and problems regarding whatever foolishness is going on out of OM, they insist on talking about it.
People run from room to room spreading information, most of the time that information is incorrect.
Sometimes, people like myself, seriously don't care. I have real life problems, chat is an escape from them.
Frankly, this thread has become completely ridiculous.
Post your goodbyes and well wishes, and send an email with your gripes to whomever they should go to, I think there is a ticket form or something where these matters can be addressed.
We are after all adults, lets act like it.

Re: Saying good-bye to yet another dj…..💔
« Reply #14 on: September 03, 2023, 02:00:47 PM »
Im here for 1 thing .. to help wes.. I was sad to see how slow Buzzen was when i came back to chat.. so i offered to help in any way i could.. when i was banned in om, it was leave chat, or help wes build buzzen back i had offered to do.
I stayed .. TO HELP WES. I get zero out of it... rumors or not..
Thats the difference tweet... you are here for tweets.
I dont give a flying eff if you or tim or anyone else likes me.. Im here to help wes .. period.  More chatters, more users, more listeners... as long as it helps Buzzen, thats what matters.

We should ALL want the same thing, or noone will have a buzzen to chat on.

If ANYONE wants to speak to me, i am always open , as everyone who has done so already knows.

Ellie Out  :P ;D