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Happy Holidays!

Current Mood: Sizzle
Male - Sizzle Radio Studios, So. California, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2013-12-12 9:52:25 am Category General Viewed 25 times Likes 0

It's the season, and everyone here at Sizzle Radio and Buzzen wish each and every one of you and your families, loved ones, and friends the very best the season has to offer!

Whether it's Hanakuh, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanza or whatever makes you "pause and reflect" on it's "true meaning," we love you, and we thank you for making us a part of your"special" time of the year!

Thanks to err0r and Buzzen's staff for adding the very festive "holiday" features to our chatting experience.  Doesn't it  just make it FUN and enjoyable to experience"the seasons" and "the holidays" while we chat with our friends?  I love it!  You do, too!!  (Admit it!!) Next time you see err0r or someone from his team, give them a "thanks and job well done" for making something that we all take for granted, look so easy!

You may have noticed the DJ's  playing more holiday music now, so, we hope you are enjoying it as much as we are.  Please feel free to contact anyone at Sizzle Radio ( and let us know if you are planning a party or event in your chat room, and we'll make a special effort to play your requests, make shout-out dedications, etc.,. just for YOU an YOUR friends.

Thanks again to EVERYONE who has made our debut on Buzzen such a great success, and MORE FUN than we imagined!heartsmiley

Remember...."keep sizzlin' and buzzin' "


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