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Black Suit

Current Mood: Balanced
Male - 52 years old, Perth, Australia
Sexual Orientation: Don't Like Labels
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2014-01-01 6:08:28 pm Category General Viewed 29 times Likes 0

He stood at the pool table, staring at the triangle of colored balls. He looked up and saw a man in a black suit walk into the games room. "Who are you?" he asked, as the man kept on walking to the bar and ordered a straight whisky on the rocks. The man ignored him, and turned to the bartender, "And the same for this gentleman please." The surprised onlooker looked around and found he was the only one there, save the bartender who also made a hasty exit. 

Black Suit came over with the two drinks and placed one glass on the edge of the pool table. Looking up, he said in a southern drawl "You don't really know who I am, do you? That's okay, because you've been our namesake for years." It only confused his lone audience in the room even more. He replied, "I don't understand what you mean." 

Black suit sat on the edge of the pool table and gestured with his glass; "We know about you, we've known about you for a while now."  He paused, taking a sip of his whiskey, "You've been searching for something your whole life, from the beginning. For all the self-development you have done, nothing will work unless you totally believe in who you are. It's easy to say the words, 'I believe in myself, that I can do all the things I want.' but actions count much more than words."

Matt stared for a few seconds, then stood up, walking over to the pool table, then asked, "Who am I, then?"

Black Suit set the glass down on the table, and said, "We know you've been learning for a long time, about you and others, you're forty-two years old...there is no class to attend, no exam to sit, no teacher to ask or no student to consult...there is no pass grade to obtain. Lessons aren't any good unless you add one more thing."

"And what is that?" Matt asked. Black Suit lined up the white ball with the pool cue, sending it downrange and scattering the formation of colored balls in every direction; each ball slipping into the pockets with a dull thunk.

"Be you, don't think, just do."

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