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Loss for Words

Current Mood: Rejuvenated
Kiaa~FC~Tagas (Kiaa, Jeweller)
Female - 53 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2015-06-25 1:15:59 am Category General Viewed 89 times Likes 0

I am at a loss for words tonight.  My heart heavy with emotions.  I have been in Gorean role play for near 20 years now.  My beliefs have been tried and tested over and over again, but tonight it became clear, is what I believe correct.   I am unsure and wonder if I should start at the beginning again, or is this the end of Kiaa's long journey.  The end of that scared little girl that landed on Gor so long ago in Vendara.  Where did she go?  I still see so much of her in myself.  I have grown so much, seen so much here in this wonderful world of Gor.  It saddens me that my journey may have come to its final chapter that the curtain may close and the music might finally fade.  I would become but a forgotten memory, the name on the tip of your tongue that you just can't quite remember.  Maybe that is the way it is suppose to be.  Bitter sweet it is.  I guess all good things do come to an end and only time will tell.

2015-06-25 1:57:34 am
you are not allowed to let it fade this way. Tonight was ... honestly crap. A mixture of emotional people (including myself) who let their personal beliefs get in the way of what Gor really is...a MANS world. At the end of the are loved and cherished and well hell I would be lonley with out you!
2015-06-25 8:17:39 pm
I am a slave, but this saddens me, Mistress.

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