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I'm annoyed.

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 45 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-02-15 9:44:51 pm Category General Viewed 84 times Likes 0

This will be part one of two blogs, because they both deal with the same subject, but are seperate in reason. So, why am I annoyed? Simple... An event occured in Lydius the other night. Just an event. What event happened is not the point, however. It happened in my home. The home I share with several others. It is our home. But since this event has occured, I have been approached by not one, single person that has ANY business to begin with, asking me for scrolls of this event. However, I have been approached by a couple people that are NOT of Lydius, for scrolls of said event, but for a third party. Yeah, that's fucking original people... "Hey, I need scrolls of an event in someone elses home, can you ask for them for me?". Only one of those people I can almost understand, but the others? Not so much. 

So, for future reference, if you need scrolls of events that took place in my city, our home, then you can request them, face to face (I will even accept buzzen messenger requests or email requests at and I will decide, based on whatever reasons I decide, if you have a reason to be looking into what happens within the walls of Lydius. If you ask anyone else, the answer will always be "See Bart". If someone gives a scroll from this day forward that I did not approve, then I will deal with that person, as well as yourself for going around me. 

Your kind participation in respecting this is greatly appreciated in advance. 




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