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Arena in Lydius

Current Mood: Peaceful
Bart (Barthello, DuPree)
Male - 45 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-04-27 12:39:39 pm Category General Viewed 106 times Likes 0

In preperation for the love wars, I am going to post a link to the arena in Lydius and allow anyone who wants to use it to open it. This is for all Goreans who want to practice combat, evasion, basic fighting or hold matches, or other events as well!

For topic and discussions, please use the following: 

Welcome to the arena of Lydius! Safe zoned unless otherwise stated (DM/HM)

Located in the southwest area of Lydius, the arena is a place for large scale events, matches and training for Warriors, all welcome, all laws and rules of Lydius apply while in the arena. 

If anyone has questions, please feel free to contact Bart or Tagas. 



2016-04-27 10:33:43 pm
My NPC character that will be fighting in the love wars will practice elsewhere, but if anyone is up for practice that would be great... He goes by the name of Testiclease
2016-04-27 10:37:12 pm
Bwahhawhawhaw! (coughs) A good strong sounding Manly name!
2016-04-29 9:00:57 pm
my god Bianciella you would think you would get a much better name then that gads

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