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silence speaks

Current Mood: Calm
Male - United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2018-12-16 1:50:56 pm Category General Viewed 187 times Likes 0

Alert: silence_91, welcome to the room  the train of thought.

RemedySymphony: Hello?

silence_91: hi

RemedySymphony: How are you

silence_91: tired

silence_91: hows u

RemedySymphony: tired lol

silence_91: re

RemedySymphony: What made you open this room?

silence_91: a thought

silence_91: what made u come in

RemedySymphony: A feeling

silence_91: what made u ask

RemedySymphony: Doubt

silence_91: about what

RemedySymphony: Whether or not this was something I needed

silence_91: hi nik

niklesod: hello

silence_91: nothing here but aords remedy

silence_91: words

RemedySymphony: Words can bring healing, though.

silence_91: they can bring  most things

silence_91: and end most things

RemedySymphony: Sadly true

silence_91: evrything starts with a thought

RemedySymphony: Not everything

RemedySymphony: At least, not  your own tought

silence_91: the one thought can lead to a train of thoughts

silence_91: thats how wars start and end

RemedySymphony: How to end a war in yourself then?

silence_91: by making peace with yourself

silence_91: choice of thoughts

RemedySymphony: I dont have a clue how to achieve that

silence_91: start with the word or thought peace

silence_91:  the train might move in that directsion

silence_91: is u r at wat with yourself

RemedySymphony: Odds

silence_91: are there 2 of u

RemedySymphony: 2

silence_91: one  self at war with another selkf

silence_91: self

RemedySymphony: Yeah.

silence_91: both are imposters

RemedySymphony: How so?

silence_91: can u watch the war in yourself?

RemedySymphony: I can.

silence_91: that not fake

silence_91:  the watcher

RemedySymphony: What do you do then?

silence_91: watch thoughts arise and fall away

silence_91: then u might see you are not the thoughts

RemedySymphony: Too busy trying to ignore and hide from them

silence_91: many are

silence_91: they fear what they might find

silence_91: yet when u watch there is nothing there to fear

RemedySymphony: I am not my thoughts?

silence_91: no

RemedySymphony: One voice says its complicated

RemedySymphony: Another explains it

RemedySymphony: Both are reasoning theit way to the forfront

silence_91: thats what thoughts do

RemedySymphony: How do you shut that off?

silence_91: i never try

RemedySymphony: What do you do then?

silence_91: that just addes more impotance to the thoughts

silence_91: i let they be whatever they are

silence_91: them

silence_91: no restance

RemedySymphony: Do you accept what they or recognize tem as just thoughts?

silence_91: one way is to sit on your own

silence_91: and say ok thoughts lets see what power u realy have

silence_91: bring it on

silence_91: no runing

silence_91: no hiding

silence_91: u might lagh affter a while

RemedySymphony: Yeah, maybe.

silence_91: when u see the only power they ever had was whatever power u gave them

silence_91: they never did have power over u

SoCalTri: hello

silence_91: hi so

RemedySymphony: So it is wise to find balance between both sides?

RemedySymphony: Ir escape completely?

silence_91: thers nothing to escape from

silence_91: u r already free

RemedySymphony: How so?

silence_91: i will use the word wisdom

silence_91: wise use of thoughts

RemedySymphony: As I also was thinking

RemedySymphony: The good in the bad, bad in the good?

silence_91: a good way

silence_91: thought wont stop arising

silence_91: what u do with them is your choice

RemedySymphony: I agree

RemedySymphony: Thank you

silence_91: the onlu reason there is disharmony in this warled is all down to what thoughts people belive in

RemedySymphony: Yeah

RemedySymphony: I think you're right.

silence_91: self made trap

silence_91: they are stuck without awereness that they are

silence_91: they must be sleves because they put power into some belife or other

silence_91: slaves

silence_91: sit still let evrything go u will find u still exist

RemedySymphony: Yeah

RemedySymphony: I think I will

silence_91: well ty for droping in

RemedySymphony: Np. Thanks for all the advice. Was what I needed.


RemedySymphony: Ima head off. Thanks again. I hope to chat again


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