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Confederate Battle

Current Mood: Hot
kiana (♥ємιℓу, ωнιтєωσℓƒ♥)
Female - 55 years old, Smoky Mountains , United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2015-07-04 10:29:02 pm Category General Viewed 22 times Likes 0

The Confederate Battle Flag has been ridiculed in this time
Knowing the ridiculous outburst calling it a crime. 
What do these people know really not to much
If they open up the history books, they'll learn to not hold a grudge.
A grudge they think they know will make the world a better place
Turn and look in the mirror there is where you will find disgrace.
If you didn't like the flag then why wasn't it taken down years ago?
Back when there was KKK, Neo Nazis, Skin Heads, and others also.
I will tell you all this much no matter North or South
Confederate Battle flag will fly from every skyrise, every house.
There is no racism, no hate, no crime 
Just history, so you all better stand in line.
Born in 1861, Red White and Blue 
Like the American flag it has stars too!
13 stars has the Confederate Battle Flag
50 stars has the American Flag
So to those who have never planted a seed
Men & women died fighting under the flag for what they believed.
Not because of slavery, not of racism anymore
Confederate Flag was raised to observe the Civil War 
So you may take it down this year 
But from the mouths of all Americans
The South & Confederate Flag will rise again 
2:35 am

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