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Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2018-12-02 3:38:23 am Category General Viewed 268 times Likes 0

Not sure about you, but for me many days  I can not start my day with out coffee. Now there are many types of coffee's out there, but the main two beans and Arabica and Robusta. Coffee is grown all over the wolrd from the Blue Mountains region of Jamaica., South American to Africa. Now the Robusta while being stronger is also harser amd contains more caffeine than Arabica. Many use a combination of the two such as Folger's, while some  like McDonald's actually use a gourmet Arabica coffee bean. And that also brings to mind the different types of coffee served for the enlighted palate. Some of these are Turksih, Expresso,latte, Cafe Mocha ,Cappuchino to name a few. As for myself I like to try them all with my favorites being Flogers and Ethiopian coffee. LEt me kniw how you like to drink your coffee be it in the morning or all through the day.

2018-12-02 12:22:27 pm
Love this post. I role play a black wine plantation owner which is coffee. As I like my coffee with a touch of cream in the morning and sometimes a little sugar. I do like a nice mocha from Starbucks as a treat. But they get you for a nice price. I am a fan of my coffee! Yum!
2018-12-02 4:44:06 pm
I love the Mocha from Starbucks, trying to find a way to make it at home, so it tastes just like theirs. So far no luck...
2018-12-02 11:33:37 pm
Starbucks uses a Dark chocolate sauce, Torani makes one that tastes almost exact and works well

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