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healedgoldfish's Profile

Current Mood: Blank
healedgoldfish (bonzo, *)
Male - 75 years old, london, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Updated: 2022-02-25 6:11:41 am Viewed 1,510 times Likes 4

A gentle man and a gentleman. Urban and urbane who always seeks answers to questions that dont exist. Loyal and hardworking.

Property professional. Volunteer in  a Hospice. In any spare time I enjoy golf, cycling, painting, sculpture, theatre, opera, poetry, gardening and anything else that takes my fancy.

Published author - novels and poetry. Playwright and librettist as well as acting (amateur).  Radio  soccer broadcaster. 


Favourite quotes:

The ignorance of the populus is the strength of the government.

Make love to the brain before you make love to the body.

As the hours pass the days go faster.

People abandon their dreams in fear that they may fail......or in greater fear that they may succeed.


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