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Big Teddy BEAR's Profile

Current Mood: Cheerful
Big Teddy BEAR (danno, *)
Male - 58 years old, Miami FL , Boston Ma, Claremont, NH,Mars Hill, ME, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2017-09-19 6:16:28 pm Viewed 737 times Likes 1

i have   a great wife love to take wife on trips and wife on long sundays drives to what ever comes to mind love to go on hikes and climb mountians i had to retire  early  cause  i   fell  down a  flight of  stairs and  really  screwd my neck  and back up 

not much to say about me i am who i am either you like me or you dont i have been a christian since i was 23 years old

My name is Dan. I am a 50 years old sadly in april of 2013 i had to put to sleep my cat tiger i had him for 17 years i have 1 cat baby girl is a 14 year old female . I am a very family oriented person, and would never do anything to hurt my friends or family. I am also very proud of Jesus Christ for he is the one who made me realize better times were ahead when I thought that things were completely gone. If you would like to know anything please feel free to ask me also i love a good cigar been smoking cigars since i was 12 yrs old

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