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кιиg™'s Profile

Current Mood: Intimidated
кιиg™ (*Ashley, *Wiz4rd)
Male - 37 years old, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Updated: 2016-04-08 9:36:24 pm Viewed 686 times Likes 0

Hey guys this is my other profile i use aside from the one i chat with... simply so i can just have my name in all the rooms i chat in!

Other Names i am known by accross chat networks right from MSN days...

☠_ᾋṩђł3ẏ™ <=(MainAccount)  |  Å¦Ä§ÇŸá¾—ΛÒ­⊕Ö†  |  åˆ€3メЦㄎ  |  Mλƭર1ж  |  Ðəҳ†ÑÑθÇš§™  |  Æ‡Ñ4ѕн_Oν3яι∂∂Ñ”  |  Ðºιиg™  |  Ðフ_ѠɪẔ4å°ºÐ

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