I've watched almost every single episode of Dateline to know better than to allow whispers...ever.
In this episode of What Not To Say To Clients!
"Listen, I am not interested in your man. I don't even know why you are interested in him." When a clients' significant other is helicoptering me, I'm just trying to work.
"So excatly how do you want me to work around your ankle bracelet?"
"If you don't stop moving, I'm going to get the duct tape and something to knock you out."
I love my husband, our dog, tacos, tattoos, music aficionado, voracious reader, avid outdoorswoman and runner. I'm a semi-retired basket weaving ninja which affords my husband and I to go to exotic places and annoy the lcoals.
Negativity is a major turn off. Don't be a dick.
I simply will not tolerate racism, misogyny, homophobia, LBTQ2+ biogtry, pettiness and rude behavior.
My art and tattoo portfolio are are only viewable on my socials. You have to ask...nice.