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Lalana's Profile

Current Mood: Calm
Lalana (Lana, Van Dam)
Female - 34 years old, Netherlands
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Updated: 2016-03-02 3:00:44 pm Viewed 2,987 times Likes 0

I'm Lana. I like stuff, things, sarcasm and dark humour.

As a TV-show addict I'm always open to suggestions.
My favorite series are Once upon a time, Vikings and Community.
I also like music and instruments, especially piano.

If you want to chat, go ahead. That's why i'm here.

I have 3 simple rules:
1 - Don't talk about Fightclub.
2 - Grammar goes a long way. 
3 - You gotta be pretty fly for a white guy.


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