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Open Letter

Current Mood: Blah
♥ℜø©♄ℯℓℓℯ (Kristen, Rochelle)
Female - 34 years old, Atlanta, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2016-08-14 10:55:53 pm Category Writing Viewed 140 times Likes 0

Dear shopper with 30+ items in the 20 Item or Less Speed Lane:
I get that there are three lanes open out of about 40, not counting the Speed Lane and Self Checkout. I get that each of these lanes are brimming with people with full buggies, screaming kids, price checks, coupons, and things that lost their price tags between the shelf and scanner. I get that your time is valuable and, like much of the rest of America, you occasionally struggle with the concept of Patience. What I do NOT get, is your attitude.
Besides my own buggy (with a solid ten items), there were two other buggies headed for the one Speed Lane open, both with also less than 20 items. Yet here you come, as fast as possible, to push in front of everyone, with your buggy half full, very clearly over the 20 item limit by more than just a few.
I can try to reason things out, give you the benefit of a doubt... maybe you don't know your numbers? Highly unlikely in America these days. That's about as far as the benefit of a doubt goes right now. I'm welcome to other possible suggestions...
I DON'T get why you think rules don't apply to you.
Look, I understand it's just a silly sign on a check out lane with a number; that is not lost on me, and I realize I'm probably making it a far bigger deal than it is, but hear me out.
You have a young teen daughter with you, who I am sure can count and is well aware of what a Speed Lane is for. Yet you blatantly ignore this item limit rule with her in tow. Congratulations, you just taught her that she doesn't have to listen to simple directions or follow basic courtesy.
You just taught her that everything about her own life is far more important than anyone else in the world.
You just taught her that she's above everyone else.
You just taught her that respect doesn't apply to her.
Do you even realize what you're creating?
And when that person cuts in front of you, steals your parking spot, shoves past you for the last 10 sale item left on the shelf that you really needed just one of, hogs four parking spaces with their one vehicle, takes the only handicap spot in front of you when you're old and decrepit and clearly they aren't, throws a half full cup out their window while driving down the road and it splashes all over your car, or is in any other way less than considerate to you, you're going to get angry.
But the person who just did that, is the person you're teaching your daughter to be.
And when your daughter disobeys you, screams at you, argues with you, is disrespectful, gets in trouble at school and is constantly bickering with others, won't help out around the house, is self absorbed and driving you to the point of insanity, you're going to get angry.
But you taught her to do that, in little subtle lessons, time and time again, like the lesson you taught her today.
Just think about that for a while.
The three shoppers behind you actually following the rules

2016-08-15 6:05:28 pm
Very true ....... thanks

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