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Ravage you

Current Mood: Cheerful
Dam§€£™ (Damsel, Isnt Distressed)
Female - 46 years old, Frozen Arctic Iglooville, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-04-02 1:16:19 am Category Beauty Viewed 403 times Likes 0

You stimulate me. And I don't mean in the physical sense. You incite riotous deviant thoughts that radiate outwards to cause deviant acts. Your mind is so sexy. The words forming from properly pouted lips incite a heady concoction of lust and enamorment. I want you to never stop. Your small whimpers through gritted teeth as passion extends from thought to reality, push me to the brink. How did I not notice you before? You are breathtakingly perfect. Your mind baby....I want to slowly and throughly ravage it.


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