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I am woman.

Current Mood: Cheerful
Dam§€£™ (Damsel, Isnt Distressed)
Female - 46 years old, Frozen Arctic Iglooville, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-04-02 1:21:35 am Category Writing Viewed 447 times Likes 0

I am woman.

I am nameless and faceless

I am lust

I am a well of emotion

I hold pleasures within

Beneath my skin resides sex

Pure and carnal knowledge

Within me I hold life

And intelligence unknown to man

Within my embrace a battle consumes

Flesh and hot blooded

I am a sainted virgin

I am a whore

But the difference is I accept both

Because without both you could not recognise my beauty.

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