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Laughter as a Kink (07/22/14)

Current Mood: Bewitched
phantomsangelofmusic (Try, Asking)
Female - 36 years old, None-ya, United States
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2014-07-31 11:39:15 pm Category General Viewed 11 times Likes 0

Once more, this is something that has been floating around my head for a while, and I've simply been searching for the words to express this, but I've come to believe that laughter can be something of a kink.

In my case, it's certainly true, that the right laugh can cause me to simply melt. I've always had a thing for voices, and accents... sounds have always been a thing for me, however this goes so far beyond that... I've found that the type of laugh that causes that specific reaction with me most usually comes from a Dom (and occasionally the odd movie villain, but that's another topic, for another time.) Specifically, as of late, my Master's laugh when He knows He has me just where He wants me... ah gods... I have chills just remembering.

The hell with the foreplay, the bondage, blindfolds, gags and whatever else. He laughs? I'm lost. There's a part of me that wants to try and describe the laugh, just to help others understand, but beyond saying that it's very similar to your archetypical movie villain maniacal laugh, words sort of fail me on this point. All I know is that, there's just something about that sound, His laugh... His voice even, at certain times... even the way He almost... purrs His special name for me... when He calls me like that - I can't help but look His way, and give all my attention to Him.

My chain-brother Aiwait-Nii-sama just read this over my shoulder. "Yep," he says, "That about sums it up." So I guess, I'm not the only one who sees it.


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