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phantomsangelofmusic's Blog

2014-07-31 11:41:29 pm by phantomsangelofmusic in category General
NOTICE (The following is meant to be self-deprecating humor, and NOT me bitching. Please take with a grain of salt.) So, last night, sometime in the early evening, the power went out, and I do mean black out, and was still out by the time Master came home from work. It was pitch dark out, when He got home, and I had taken the liberty of lighting candles, incense, and trying to charge my MP3...
2014-07-31 11:39:15 pm by phantomsangelofmusic in category General
Once more, this is something that has been floating around my head for a while, and I've simply been searching for the words to express this, but I've come to believe that laughter can be something of a kink. In my case, it's certainly true, that the right laugh can cause me to simply melt. I've always had a thing for voices, and accents... sounds have always been a thing for me,...
2014-07-31 11:38:08 pm by phantomsangelofmusic in category General
This is something that has been floating around my brain for a while, and instead of writing this up on a word doc first, and secreting away, I figure, I'll just put it straight onto here. The dictionary definition of masochism is this: mas·och·ism [mas-uh-kiz-uhm, maz-] noun 1. Psychiatry. the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering physical pain or...
2014-07-31 11:36:13 pm by phantomsangelofmusic in category General
"Thank you, for the gift." That's what He said. Such a simple phrase, and yet... oh how those words ring in my ears. Perhaps I should explain, you see, when I got paid this month, I asked Master what I should get, if there was anything lacking in my toy box. We had spoken previously, about what I had, what I liked, what I might be open to getting, and that was when I let slip...
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