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A Nation Stuck In The Middle

Current Mood: Energetic
Quzealan Global (Angela, Renee)
Female - Waycross, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2017-11-06 6:48:45 am Category Family Viewed 235 times Likes 2

 Seriously the Quzealan people are stuck in the middle. Let me share this with you all. First, on this journey, it has been very different filled with emotions. However, it has been amazing to which the many things I have learned along the way. Some of us may not like change and are resistant to change. Consequently, it isn't going to change the fact as to who we are in society. So some may ask who are we in society, we are Quzealans, the mixed generation, the descendants of war between the nations of Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans. Furthermore, Quzealan men and women have cross-bred into other nations in which we are now in all race/categories. Yes, America, we want you to know that we know who we are and to which we belong. When you look at us you see a Quzealan, a person with more than one race. Surely I would love to give Africa the entire honor in which we stand; however, we belong to Native Americans and Europeans as well as other nations. Yeah, they said that we are the product of rape, it is a sensitive matter to some and what does that have to do with us not to sound insensitive. Because they said this happened decades ago are we to deny erasing our other ancestors, sweeping the Europeans under the rug. I would hope that you know that not all were raped.   I can only assume that my great, great, great, Grandmother (Cherokee Native) Lucinda Roberts was not raped by my Great, Great, Great, Grandfather , a white man (Robert "Bob Roberts) from Liverpool England.  So again, yes, some African and Native American women were raped, kidnapped but not all in this place we call "America". Secondly, they have left out storylines in Roots, or any other slave movie created because we are part Native American too. Why it is that society has put away the Native American people when they still live in parts of America.  We do not want to see anymore African slave movies unless they write lines of our Native American people in it as well.  Do we have a right to stand up and say, “Hey, we want you to teach our children about their ancestors oppose to only on Thanksgiving”? Or create movies that have Native American people in connection to the Quzealan people.  Again the Quzealan people are stuck in the middle.  Well, enough of going on and on about our history and who we are in society as the Quzealan people, a nation, and the mixed generation. Thirdly, as we approach Thanksgiving Day my heart is filled with emotions and my need to spoil it with the truth compels me.  Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, surely you know it is because of a million demised Native American children, women, men, and stolen land the list could go on.  Europeans celebrated it as a day of Thanking God for the many victories over our Native American people or perhaps giving thanks.  Quzealans celebrate it as a day of being with family and giving thanks for the family as well as our African people that live in America.  I ask myself “how can I celebrate a victory that has given me opportunities in life, freedom from slavery, a nice place to live, food to eat, yes, Europeans,(African ancestors) have made that possible.  Again the Quzealan people are stuck in the middle.  Consequently, my Native American people are suffering because of these things that were made possible through the killing of Native Americans.  Furthermore, for our Native American people, Thanksgiving Day is a day of mourning.   This is where it gets real deep for me and I ask God “why did you create me as a Quzealan” Sometimes knowing the truth isn’t always a happy moment in life, I see why society has said, “Somethings are better left unsaid (unknown)”. I would not be where I am today if I had not known, I’d be as ignorant as others about who we are , our people, and ancestors no offense to anyone.    We may not celebrate Thanksgiving as others because "we are stuck in the middle" however to be fair to Europeans and Native Americans people we celebrate it being with family,thankful for family as I mentioned earlier.  

Finally, we already know about the fight, the struggles, the slavery, the killings, the victories, the freedom of our African Ancestors and our European Ancestors. Teach our people about their Native American people.

                                                                               November is Native American History month. 

So let’s “also” celebrate the life of our people (Native Americans)!  Learn something new each day about Native Americans.  They still LIVE!  

Quzealan - a person having origin in the original people of Europe, Native Americans, Africa, Asian, South America, and the Middle East.  


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