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mainahgirl🐶's Profile

Current Mood: Relieved
mainahgirl🐶 (*, Crockett)
Female - 60 years old, Waldoboro, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2024-06-25 11:35:35 am Viewed 15,311 times Likes 29

as some know, i have been under a tremendous amount of stress, this has caused me to be really depressed and not sure how to deal with everything hubby has stage 4 lung cancer and under treatments, but we don't know at this time if the treatments are working , he has another scan in sept. to see....i just wanna run away form life, so am taking a break from chat and facebook for awhile...thank u my friends who have stood by me...i really appreciate you listening

so, those who know me, know  i am back.....i'm doing better than i was !

we got good news on hubby, his tumors are shrinking ! his oncologist is very happy as are we ! merry christmas to all

we lost our foxy dog to cancer dec heart hurts

hubby has hospital, but on the mend

his cancer is in remission

he is improving , lately , yeh!

cancer in his lymph node in lung now, doing radiation treatments 

also back in hospital with what looks like pnemonia again ! prayers please

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