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Understanding the Difference

Current Mood: Worried
Male - 33 years old, Crow Agency, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2015-03-08 5:39:01 am Category General Viewed 85 times Likes 0

There are many words in the English language that many people do not know the definition. They say that the English language is the most difficult language to not only learn, but to understand. We have words like read, that depending on the way it is used in the sentence, could either mean something is being currently done, or has already been done. This is one of the easier words to figure out. Take the word Tolerancenoun) a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices,racial or ethnic origins, etc, differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry. Seems easy enough to understand, right? To be able to accept someone who is different from oneself and treat them fairly and justly. One would hope, that people would strive to practice tolerance everyday, at work, school, at the playground, basketball court, and even in a Buzzen chat room. I looked at five rooms and found the average number of chatters are 42. Since not everyone puts their age on their profile, or not their real age, i will just assume everyone is over the age of eighteen. I understand that not everyone is from the US, but all chatters from the five room, chat in English, and as stated earlier, are also adults. I have chatted in all five chat rooms and have spoken to a lot of different people. Most I have like, and other, well lets just say, I use the ignore button. 

Let me give you a little background on me. I am a Crow Native American and very proud of my heritage. I was raise to respect not only my elders, but all people, and all living things. To take only what I need and to return to Mother Earth what She has given to me. I am truthful, loyal, and understanding. I will defend who needs to be defended, fight who needs to be fought, and help who needs to be helped. I can be the best friend you could ever want and the worst enemy you could ever dread. But, above all, I am tolerant. 

Now, back to Buzzen. The thing that I find the hardest to understand, is the lack of respect, the lack of tolerance. There are so many different people that come from so many different walks of life. That is what I love about this website. That you can be from the US and be talking to someone from Australia, France, China, Canada, Finland, all at the same time. We should be taking advantage of this. Taking advantage of learning from different cultures, and customs, yet I see people calling others names, or yelling, she said he said. And why? Because we don't practice tolerance. Who cares if someone changed their nics seven times, is it hurting you physically? Is it really causing you so much pain that someone "knows everything"? And gentlemen, did your mothers really teach you to disrespect women the way you do in these chat rooms? I mean, if your mother, or sisters, were to come in and see you talk that way, what would they say? I know what mine would say, but I don't have to worry about that, because, my mother and father taught me to respect women. To NEVER say to them what i see in these rooms. To NEVER call them the names I see them being called. When I see that, I feel ashamed and embarrassed for them. And to some of you women, to see what you call each other is heartbreaking. Respect yourselves, loves, and each other, please!! You need to stand together, not pull each other apart. I know that I am young, but I know how I feel and what I see. 

So, here it is. My first blog. Tolerance is patience not frustration, strength not weakness, steadfastness not narrow-minded.

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2015-05-24 6:00:54 pm
Hamma Tenshai Kumcha
2015-06-18 4:28:12 am
Wondering how you are doing? Thinking of you again. Praying for you. Wishing you well. From my heart to yours. Hugs! Gramma Smoothie
2016-01-12 5:24:01 pm
Your post about "ugly" was beautiful , every being on this earth just wants to be loved, no matter how they look. Thank you for that incredible story, its something I would of done. So many tears for animals and people who are treated without disrespect. Ty again!!!

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