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RainingNightfire's Profile

Current Mood: Blank
Female - 63 years old, *PA, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Updated: 2016-07-09 7:05:02 am Viewed 11,308 times Likes 10

I am a single 54 yr old female.   If it's not mind numbingly stupid, I'm probably up for it.  .(This is not an invitation for ill meaning ppl to attempt to cyber me to death or strike up a sexually explicit conversation in a private message. That is not chat, that is a blatant waste of my time.) If in the pursuit of scintillating conversation I should happen to stumble upon the man of my dreams, all the better, but I am not holding my breathe. lol.  Not one second of life happens in the past, nor the future, every bit happens NOW, and so, NOW is where you will find me.  Namaste.

Pastry Arts, Cooking, Quantum Physics (Love that stuff, but am only able to wrap the teensiest tip [We're talking nanoparticle size here folks] of my mind around it.

Writing, Reading, Hiking, Biking, Camping, Travel.  THE OCEAN!

Thank You God, for every good and great and wonderful thing!

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