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Kyrielle's Profile

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Kyrielle (Kyrielle, Lady Kyrielle)
Female - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2 days ago 3:50:00 pm Viewed 11,547 times Likes 58


 Gorean role play profile,  role play profile picture :


I am a woman. A  free woman.  

My name is Kyrielle, Lady Kyrielle to be precise.

My caste is Scribe.

My Homestone is Voltai Mountains Home.

East of the Thassa, west of the winds ....there at the headwaters of the Upper Fayeen river are my lands, my home where I was born. My property an exact 100 pasang square, extends well past the foothills to the Voltai mountain peaks. 

My property is a working farm in progress, dependent on seasons and weather. For such an arid land, I am fortunate enough to have a consistent water source and good soil. I grow everything from fruits and vegtables to wine and eating grapes. When not tending seasonal matters and my duties as Scribe, I enjoy the peaceful pastime of weaving, byssus specifically.  I gather it every two years from the mighty Thassa, wash and weave it into cloth on a full size loom I'd purchased from Perrin , Chieftan of the Alars. By that time, they had left the plains behind and moved north, establishing a very successful fishing and crafts village. He taught me how to weave. A very patient man, Perrin. After the byssus is woven into cloth it rests until its time. Only then do I custom dye and craft it into garb for those who desire such things. 


I carry a silver walking stick. Always. It is a beautiful piece, meticulously crafted, looking for all the world like a koftgari hilted bidri steel sword.  Broad, straight, very sharp blade, chiselled and inlaid with silver decorations consisting of cusped cartouches containing various animals with a padded basket hilt surmounted by a spike, slightly curved pommel, 115 centimeters long. It would not surprise me in the slightest to it actually being a koftgari hilted bidri sword. That it works well as a walking stick is... well... lovely.

I wear a pebble, a gift long ago from a Warrior of Gor.  I asked an artist  to create a  necklace of silver links to  securely encase it along the drape. It has nested, ever since, resting against my heart. 


I am the founding member of " The Sisters of Benevolent Mayhem". And we danced.

~ * ~






























































































































































































































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