I'm happily married to the perfect man (for me that is). We have a 38 yr old geeky son; a 29 yr old daughter who is trying to find her way in life; and an 20 yr old college junior, Princess FooFoo, our surprise.
I want to stress that I am in a very loving and secure marriage. I'm only here for laughter and friendship. I enjoy whispering with those I consider to be friends.
I have my BSBA from OSU. I work for the Government. I did love my job but a bad group of Admins can ruin a whole lot of team enthusiasm. I love venturing to new places, especially little towns.ans-serif,arial,verdana,trebuchet ms"> Love being on the back of the bike, wearing leathers, hair tied up, helmet on (of course), and snuggling up to my "old man".
Even with all of my faults, I am a Christian who tries to do right. I guess I don't succeed all the time but who really does?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Every now and then, I open the box of memories to see if thinking of you still hurts. It does. Every single time. GINNIE BALE
Katie, wherever you are, I hope you are doing well. I owe you so much but I will sum it up with a simple and unimaginably heart felt Thank you for calling me. I keep you in my thoughts and prayers every day. Much love and hope!!
mall">If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.
mall">I've met enough chat men to know that I've met enough chat men ~ Tricia
Råîñ£øver : right tricia.. I don't always wax but wash
Botty sits here, drinking cock in her non-recession paradise in the south pacific Botty : oh shit...coke! i mean COKE
Råîñ£øver : I don't want another womans nuts
J•o•e : in a splash of hello's Tricias wave washed ashore until evey footprint walked beside her (my poem from Joe),
Torben♥ : anus is my favorite staek
Torben : Tricia ...stay bad
J•o•e : wilard said u were a wiffle bat full of strike outs
IVnik8 : My grandma was run of the mill and a weird purple color IVnik8 : Gremlin not Grandma
™Casper® : i acutally got chgecked out by a woman the other day ...I know because she was looking at me like the same way I look at tacos
Smoothie: you have no skin in this game ya band wagon barbie
Trιcια∘Aη : Rain, would you charge ugly men more for a bj? cʀʌѕʜ : lol Råîñ£øver : no I wouldn't be looking at their face
Råîñ£øver : lol cheryl I wanna play with you .. monopoly I mean
Cheryl : yep abc has a lil tiny dick in his pull ups,.. Cheryl : I mean tick
Råîñ£øver : I don't want another womans nuts.
Maple_Muffin : i dont know enough about american presidents to offer an opinion MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : i don't either muffy Trιcια∘Aη : licky you, maple
MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : i have a bone sperm on my bottom foot
DAIRYorMOO crosses tricia off her to do list
MetaPhyzikal™‚ï¸ : mother I'd like to F netta
Råîñ£øver : chat is ruining me ... I was looking for this big bag of peanuts the other day.. for someone who quit smoking..... I couldn't find them... I asked this worker, where the big bag of " penis " were !
Cheryl : that whole thing is going in my mouth at once lol (swears she was typing about a snickers bar)
Trιcια∘Aη : haha... memories of oral sex.. by chatter cheryl ⛄ï¸mummzyâ›„ï¸ : oh my Cheryl¿ : well this one time an head camp.. Trιcια∘Aη : oh hell no... mummzy typed "oh my" to me MetaPhyzikal2ðŸš´â™‚ï¸ : lol tricia
PandaDan PardonsOfTheInnocent : Well anyways I'm just hunkering down till the day Tricia's nic and mine can be one (12.21.20)
MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : well i wish u tons of lick MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : luck (4.3.21 to Knight)
MetaPhyzikal™‚ï¸ : "I'm meta, and I'm a sex addict".....but I said it to the church congregation (7.12.21)
MissPenelope : kitty believe it or not, beneath this sweet girly exterior beats the heart of a ruthless sadistic maniac (1.15.22)
MissPenelope : sturds at -30c i`d be combing my pubes up to my neck (1.16.22)
MissPenelope : what the hell! trish has been copying my quotes! MissPenelope : this will not do (1.17.22)
A_KNIGHT_2_REMEMBER : u would rather jerk off a moutain lion with handful of stickers than mess with mummmzy (1.21.22)
Eyecu : lol i wouldn't go toe to toe with tricia....i like my head on my shoulders tyvm (1.30.22)
MissPenelope : and i have ONE nipple hair that i`ve fought wars with for 15 years (2.5.22)
TreasureHunta : Set Tricia and Blossom on the ice, theyre hot enough to melt anything (2.6.22)
Freddy : I can make it bigger for you, Tricia Freddy : my font, sheesh Freddy : ohhh look.. it's bed time (3.2.22)
MissPenelope : it`s a terrible shame, easy lover is one of my fave songs MissPenelope : he wrote it about tricia (3.27.22)
naüghty gürl : Chain, careful Miss Pen has a penis and she is looking for a peepee to insert it in MissPenelope : ng please don`t tell people i have a penis (3.31.22)
🎣fishermanreally_1 : really we love tricia but dont be droolin ok (4.9.22)
naüghty gürl : he refused a taste on my vagina lemonade (4.9.22)
naüghty gürl : Hey, my vagina is pristine (5.15.22)
strudysturfyturds : thinking maybe mp falls asleep half way thru and gets a smack to the back of the head to wake her up.... thats what the helmet is for (mp is Miss Penelope, btw) (5.29.22)
daz : thought star fishishing was anal cos it looks like a star fish (6.6.22)
MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : ramrod u know what ur dic means right? (6.16.22)
JoeG2 : Jona gets all the women (6.29.22) That is funny
nauġhty ġurl : Call me tomorrow, I just fingered something out (8.17.22)
nauġhty ġurl : JOKER! Shit still! (10.5.22)
PandaDan JustAnotherJerkface : For as long as I have a lap you have a place to sit Tricia (10.19.22)
MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : the visual of that is not very preety, oh hold on honey i have to take my clackers out so i can gum down on ur weener (12.31.22)
nauġhty ġurl : Go polish your cocks! nauġhty ġurl : crocs (1.2.23)
Seonid : my sincerest wish is to be gay with tricia (1.7.23)
Sticky_Fingers_Seo : my nose is dripping more than diseased genitalia (1.14.23)
MS-KIMMY-THE-QUEEN™ : there are actually some genitalmen out there i tell ya (1.28.23)
Lonesome_Blu™ : Isn’t it funny how watching too much Sesame Street at Tricia’s age tends to screw up the little brain chemical things ..... (11.12.2006) An oldie but a goodie. RIH dear Lady
kilty : i dated a guy kilty : tricia he had me dead to rights-if that was a guy kilty : tricia south korea-he was pretty for a dude (3.18.23)
valianttree 🌲 : unlike most woman im not super lickie (3.18.23)
Eyecu : https://i.etsystatic.com/29398698/r/il/b3c0d7/3291215174/il_fullxfull.3291215174_1mb4.jpg (3.19.23) his penis pic
»ńauġhty ġurl« : On the rear occasions that I drink beer. It has to be practically black beer for me to drink it. »ńauġhty ġurl« : Rare RARE (3.23.23)
› ozboss has left the conversation. › triciacalledmeold has joined the conversation. › ozmosis has joined the conversation (my new nic for him) (4.2.23)
whizchem : id lick tricia like a popcicle and id lick pina like peanut butter (4.16.23)
Miss Penelope : ng would you object to a small sprinkle of parmesan on your vag before oral sex? (4.23.23)
♬NeTTa♬ : like crotch pheasant i think ♬NeTTa♬ : an itchy crotch that has something in it ♬NeTTa♬ : and fire crotch is when they wont wash their ass (5.4.23)
OutlawGC : I love some Tricia (5.14.23) (Said he was typing about classical music.)
ozboss : nuthin to do with cocnuts (5.17.23)
Miss P's video... reminded me of her immediately > https://www.facebook.com/reel/1182207025805099
٠nauġhty ġurl٠Ŧ : Id go on my dick ٠nauġhty ġurl٠Ŧ : DECK (7.23.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : Every man should know how to cock and do laundry 💘Ĉħèŕŕŷ💘 : cocking is very important (8.3.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : I enjoy cocking ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : It allows me to get lost ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : COOKING ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : Damn it Ťrícíå_ån : profile time... ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : Patrica Ann, you are so mean (8.18.23) sense a theme here?
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : I love cocko pebbles (8.19.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : I think Liam is hot Ťrícíå_ån : how old is he? ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : Dun matter, when his pants are down he will be fine (8.19.23)
🎣fishermanreally_1 : nice see you to my love muffins (8.20.23)
Ṕḗậḉḩḕṩ™ : i asked frank one time if he would suck a boiled egg out of my hoohaaa Ṕḗậḉḩḕṩ™ : he said...ya damn right i would! Ťrícíå_ån : what if he couldnt get it out? Ṕḗậḉḩḕṩ™ : i could pop it out tricia lol (9.3.23)
Down_South : whipser me ur lick RU Down_South : oops Down_South : link Down_South : hahaha (9.9.23)
Miss Penelope : there `s something very sensual about a sharp knife gliding effortlessly through meat (9.9.23)
Worlocks : at this point in myeline I would like a woman that goes horn every night Worlocks : lofe* Worlocks : hime Worlocks : shit (9.10.23)
Miss Penelope : turducken is a chicken roasted inside a dick inside a turkey (9.14.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : My rear fell off ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : EAR ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : OMG (9.30.23)
Down_South : Trix....good day Boo#124364 (10.20.23) dont hate, Ladies. lol
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : You are gunna stay home and cock and clean (10.27.23) theme?
abcdef : yea nuts are bonus,,, abcdef : please nobody save that statement abcdef : glad cherry isnt here (11.1.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : I love me some cock. I'll take it as long as its pretty. ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : It can not BEND. I will not fuck around corners. no odd coloring. it has to be uniform. No big old veins. No saggy balls. Nothing shaved. Man has to look like a man. He cant be too thick. or to long. BUT, The head, has to look like a viking helmet. Well, it does. Ever see when they look like deflated balloons, I frighten men, No prince for me, only kings, Oh and they should be pinkish, But not Barbie pink, I am wiser than I look, I want a real time photo, I could do a cock quiz (11.5.23)
Miss Penelope : i`d go for your balls cardi! (11.9.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : NG< Peaches wants to know....would you eat an egg cocked in a vagina? ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : fuck ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : COOKED (11.11.23)
Miss Penelope : but can he cock tricia? Miss Penelope : cook Miss Penelope : lol i did a ng (11.18.23)
ozboss : should i put my hand up tricia ?? Ťrícíå_ån : someone teach Oz to use commas, please (11.25.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : ty Tim Can I see your penis now? (12.1.23)
🐍Vipes🐍™ : mondays-classic rock...thursdays-metal...fridays-get oz laid music....saturdays-top 10 at 10 Tωἶղƙlε_მղ❆ : haha... Friday is the Miracle show? (12.14.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : The next man I have sex with, I am going to fuck into a coma (12.19.23)
٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : My rears are fine too ٠nauġhty ġurl٠ : EARS (12.20.23)
[07:26a] Worlocks : had an echomdone yesterday and it's official ZI do have a heart [07:34a] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : Wait... Worlock HAS a heart? (1.25.24)
[12:09p] strawberryblde : FLASHES SMACK.......YES I CAN FEEL MY TITS (1.28.24)
[12:19a] Miss Penelope : i would be head taster tricia [12:20a] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : lol MIss P... "head taster" could mean other things (2.10.24) (supposedly this was in regards to opening a winery)
[10:00a] Riggins : i think we should call you goldielocks [10:02a] Riggins : tricia, when cock hunting, one was too big, she passed, one was too small, she passed, but the third well that fitted just perfectly [10:02a] Riggins : and thus the legend of Goldilocks began (2.16.24)
[ 02:26p ] JoeG2 : you might want to go to long dong slivers. (3.9.24)
[07:31p] Fřīġė™ wonders if ng moved all her cocks ahead [07:32p] Fřīġė™ : clocks* (3.10.24)
[09:59p] Miss Penelope : miles this is water off a dick`s back, i prefer the word "determined" [10:00p] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : lmao... did she mean 'duck'? [10:00p] Miss Penelope : shhh a honest typo (3.15.24)
[08:52p] Miss Penelope : gk i have some swedish "jag tyker kuk" means i like cock (4.13.24)
[05:48p] SusanR1112 : i keep sucking your cock [05:52p] Șτરλώßεrrψßldε❣ : not sure....one minute we are talking about the price of gas ...then BOOM....sucking cock.... [05:54p] ŋauġhty ġurļ : Go on Susan, suck to your hearts content (4.18.24)
[11:18a] RubberBrother : Tricia will be Chatter of The Year [11:18a] RubberBrother : Host of The Year Peaches [11:19a] RubberBrother : Tricia your own parking spot also for 1 year and free meals at the Buzzen cafeteria (4.20.24) (I just want my trophy)
[10:06p] WORLOCKS : if ng typed that it wold probably have come out cock sniffer (6.1.24)
[02:18a] Lockport_Michael : ok good to know, I will try to play some older Spanish, Cuban and Mexican Music for you by way of introfuction (6.9.24)
[09:15p] Miss Penelope : di i did a dong for someone [09:15p] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : a dong? [09:15p] Lockport_Michael : a dong? [09:15p] Miss Penelope : song [09:16p] Miss Penelope : someone has to stand in for ng (6.15.24)
[09:39p] WhizChem® : good to know i am in good company on tricia saved comments [09:39p] Miss Penelope : wiz she`s evil and misses nothing [09:40p] Miss Penelope : darth tricia (6.15.24)
[07:59p] 🎣fishermanreally_1 : with the wonderfukk Tricia the wonderwoman of chat [07:59p] 🎣fishermanreally_1 : suppose be full lol [07:59p] 🎣fishermanreally_1 : oh sheeeshhhhhhhhh (6.19.24)
ans-serif,arial,verdana,trebuchet ms; font-size:13px">Worlocks : do wet dreams count as an active sex life asking for a friend (7.4.24)
[12:07p] 🐍Vipes🐍™ : https://www.amazon.ca/bloomers/s?k=bloomers (I made up a story that Vipes posted this link for Nawty... and I'm sticking to it even if it isn't true) (7.20.24)
[08:37p] Miss Penelope : lol i just tried to request a dong i already requested [08:37p] Miss Penelope : SONG (7.27.24)
[09:34p] Silvereagle : hi Tricia & WOR.................... [09:35p] WORLOCKS : just to clarify tricia & Wor are not a couple (7.25.24)
[12:41p] Bot_Galaxy : DJ Berry now playing: Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs on Galaxy-Radio.com 🎵 https://www.galaxy-radio.com/player.php 🎵 [12:58p] Bot_Galaxy : DJ Berry now playing: Paul McCartney - My Love on Galaxy-Radio.com 🎵 https://www.galaxy-radio.com/player.php 🎵 [01:24p] Bot_Galaxy : DJ Berry now playing: Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes on Galaxy-Radio.com 🎵 https://www.galaxy-radio.com/player.php 🎵 [01:46p] Bot_Galaxy : DJ Berry now playing: Phil Collins - One More Night on Galaxy-Radio.com 🎵 https://www.galaxy-radio.com/player.php 🎵 My four songs dedicated by my chat husband, Fish (8.11.24)
[01:12p] Bot_Galaxy : DJ Berry now playing: Sammy Johns - Chevy Van on Galaxy-Radio.com 🎵 https://www.galaxy-radio.com/player.php 🎵 dedicated by Porch (8.11.24)
[10:45a] WORLOCKS : asked a young lady in the army out when I first wet in the army she was from wisconsin (8.18.24)
[03:31a] Miss Penelope : big cocks are ugly and trashy [03:31a] Miss Penelope : ROCKS [03:31a] Ͼ͟Λ͟Я͟Ð͟ł™ : big cocks lmao [03:31a] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : uhmm..OK [03:31a] Miss Penelope : shhh (8.30.24)
ans-serif,arial,verdana,trebuchet ms; font-size:13px">ŋauġhty ġurļ : I think its time to cunt my nails. [03:36a] ans-serif,arial,verdana,trebuchet ms; font-size:13px">ŋauġhty ġurļ : CUT (10.13.24)
[09:42p] ~Chaotic~ : We decided this emoji now means surprise buttsex [09:42p] ńaughty ģurl© :
[09:43p] ńaughty ģurl© : Im sorry, my dick just fell into your azz (11.3.24)
[01:26a] ńaughty ģurl© : some nutjob is making her own Ozempic [01:26a] Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : there have been quite a few doing that lately [01:27a] ńaughty ģurl© : Or at least thats what I think I read [01:27a] ńaughty ģurl© : So when she grows a dick and a third eye, she can see herself fucking herself to death (11.9.24)
[09:04p] WORLOCKS : this damn iPad wont let me gnome anyone [09:04p] WORLOCKS : ignore (11.13.24)
[09:15p] MissP : well trimmed testiicles [09:16p] MissP : matty has them (11.22.24)
[12:51a] MissP : grapes can make..... gas [12:52a] MissP : i bent over for the lower shelf at the market and one popped out [12:53a] MissP : you know how it is you try and clench your cheeks but sometimes it just comes out (11.23.24)
[08:21p] WhizChem® : tricia dont tempt me hun id lick u like a popcicle
[02:30a] MissP : tricia i have ONE nipple hair that has refused to die [02:30a] MissP : i`ve plucked, shaved and prayed (12.6.24)
[07:58p] strɑwberryblde : I know....and Im trying to get to see a doctor....but its going to be over a month to see one [07:59p] strɑwberryblde : true.....but they are more concerned with the lady parts...lol [07:59p] strɑwberryblde : put a vagina on my knee....they will come running (1.8.25)
[10:08p] MissP : we are women, sometimes we need to be shagged til our boobs bounce (1.24.25)
[10:53p] ~Chaotic~ ok fine then never fuckling mind (2.9.25)
[07:02p] Fřīġė™ : mmmmm tube steak mmmmm Fřīġė™ : um im really a woman.. strɑwberryblde : lol Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : lol Frige.. ladies' night got to you Raindrop : lol ńaughty ģurl© : I believe you Fringe Fřīġė™ : had to have the dress and heels on to get in berry strɑwberryblde : um what? Ƭɾíϲíɑ_ɑղ : heck, I didnt have on a dress and heels... you must have wanted to do that 2.16.25