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And the children.

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Posted: 2018-12-02 3:01:15 am Category Politics Viewed 134 times Likes 0

Why are the children of immigrants held in camps with out any type of representation? The parents made the mistake so we punish the children? Thpousands of children are held in confinement ,simply because their parents tried to come across the border. These children now face scars mentally and  physically  from the varying degrees of abuse and negelct. Some of these children as young as one year old are put on trial by themselves. Some of these children when finally getting together with their family, don't even recongize them. I thought we were a better country than this, how can this happen in the United States.

Previous Blog

2018-12-12 2:25:00 pm
Galatians 4:3... So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world. This is not a new thing.. this is history repeating itself but in ways that we NOW understand.. recall that song that was made famous....Everything is beautiful.... it starts... .Jesus loves the little children, ALL the children of the world...your problem in USA is one that the world can solve it it really wanted too... unfortunately fear, greed and hatred holds them back..
2018-12-12 2:25:50 pm
if** it really.......
2018-12-12 5:02:46 pm
Sometimes I don't know which is worse hatred or greed. Then again they are mutual in many respects.
2018-12-13 12:15:28 am
Let's not forget the child sex slaves from Africa, Eastern Europe, and Thailand among other countries.
2019-06-13 11:28:25 pm
Blessed is FATHER for he will remove all the filth from this earth and it will be contaminant free. Blessed are the children for they will inherit this earth.. Blessed are the meek for they will remain to teach all that is good.
2019-06-14 10:56:11 am

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