I am...I am Me. My happy is being spontaneous. Learning new things and having the ability to explore and experience life be it from meeting new people, reading books, taking a class or 2 or sometimes..like "hold my beer" and jumping right in..sky diving, snorkeling, teaching yoga classes, learning reiki and practicing it, watercolor painting.
I picked nursing as my career and have been one for over 20 years and still find it and the people I have met and learned from to be the amazing rungs on my ladder making me who I am today both professionally and personally. My mentor was a charge nurse when I was a candystripper...at 16. I had the honor of becoming her supervisor and retiring her when she turned 87 and remaining friends until she passed.
I love road trips..getting in the car and driving..taking in the scenery, stopping to explore towns and meeting people who live there. My favorite road trip so far has been driving to the west coast and taking my time getting there. Finding those sweet spots to reflect, pray and meditate.
This past political situation..Election day..Felt like watching a divorce/custody hearing..and we wait with anticipation to learn who is going to have custody of us for the next 4 years.
There is nothing stronger than having a Bernese Mountain Dog who decides he is done walking when you are 3 miles from home and out of treats.
I like good conversations and laughs...and I like conversations and people who can feed my soul not take from it.
Each day is a new day for peace, positivity and gratitude. It all begins in you.
I have a memory like an elephant, an angels patience, a heart the size of the sun, eyes on the back of my head, a nasal filter, eight arms like an octopus, resistant legs, a back to hold and transfer full grown adults, a 5 liter bladder and an impenetrable immune system...what am I?
I can't decide whether I am a good girl wrapped up in a bad girl, or if I am a bad girl wrapped up in a good girl....And that is how I know I am a woman.
When we stop dreaming, we stop living.
The early bird might get the worm, but the second mouse always gets the cheese.
Men are born between a woman's legs and spend the rest of their lives trying to get back between them...
If one is too open minded, brains start and will fall out.
When life hands me lemons..I make money. However I think God's next test for me should/could be..lets see if she (I) can handle a stupid amount of money.
A dream without a plan is just a wish.
Happens every year here..we in the Black Hills call it the Annual Black Hills Bison petting competition..and it starts and ends at tourist season.
Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone and do what you've never done because both are necessary to have what you've never had and be who you've never been- Mike Dooley