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GeekyJi's Profile

Current Mood: Bizarro
GeekyJi (~, *)
Female - 39 years old, New York, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2020-12-05 1:06:15 pm Viewed 12,218 times Likes 21

I'm pretty much the objective Platonic form of a geek and I live in NY.

다른 사람에게 의지하는건 끊임없이 실망만 가져다 줄 것. (trans. Dependence on others is perpetual disappointment).

"Since Rousseau and Kant, there have been two schools of liberalism, which may be distinguished as the hard-headed and the soft-hearted.  The hard-headed developed, through Bentham, Ricardo and Marx, by logical stages into Stalin; the soft-hearted by other logical stages, through Fichte, Byron, Carlyle and Nietzsche, into Hitler.  These stages in the evolution of ideas have had almost the quality of the Hegelian dialectic: doctrines have developed, by steps that each seem natural, into their opposites."  ~ Bertrand Russell.

Likes:  drawing anime, watching anime, reading books, cooking, playing golf, Kriya yoga, Korean music, classical music, New York Yankees

Dislikes: people who only do charity work for bragging rights, people who have strong opinions about topics they do not understand, accordians, NY Mets (traitors)