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Just A Little Reminder

Current Mood: Loved
९᠀Şaşhå९᠀ (lady sashington-smythe, *)
Female - 52 years old, Federal Way, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2021-03-30 1:05:14 am Category General Viewed 117 times Likes 3

I don't always write a blog, I usually only do so when I am in the mood to do so.  I don't mind when anyone comments on anything I have written.  I like reading other people's thoughts and opinions and I try to respond to each of them.  However, one thing I will not tolerate is any type of negativity in any of the comments.  If you don't like what I have posted, then feel free to stop reading it and not comments on it.  Any comments that I feel are negative, passive-aggressive, or just plain asinine, I will delete them.  Remember, this is my blog, my thoughts, my opinions...if you don't like what I post, then stop reading.  See, it's that simple.

2021-03-30 11:49:44 pm
2021-03-30 11:51:14 pm
i would doubt that sasha bet it would make me grin from ear to ear
2021-03-31 12:32:27 am
YW Sasha

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