Author Topic: Booting/Banning in OM  (Read 25959 times)

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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2017, 03:35:21 PM »
Yall some sad kents.


Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2017, 03:38:50 PM »
If I say HI in here do i get banned too ??


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #17 on: November 14, 2017, 03:43:48 PM »
Hi budd  ;D


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #18 on: November 14, 2017, 03:46:21 PM »
This is how insane people chat
Råîñ£øver : I went to OM and 83 people there and hardly no one talking
[02:26p] krystal : rip krystal
[02:26p] krystal : rain all they ever do is say hi to each other
[02:26p] GGâ„¢ : that's because they're scared
[02:26p] GGâ„¢ : lol
[02:26p] Råîñ£øver : maybe its me
[02:26p] ŁckyŔcktŞhpŨndrҎnt§ : how;s you hon?
[02:26p] Ðulnaŵie : you've angered a few ppl with that thread
[02:26p] Råîñ£øver : lol GG
[02:26p] ρяιмα : oops

I'm sorry you felt the need to come into 40's chat room to spy and report back, was this your idea, or someone else's? As I've said before this thread isn't supposed to be malicious or a witch hunt, but you sir/ma'am have effectively become a clown in a circus, was that your intention?

At any rate, hello, here I am, child, you have my attention, please use your own words to tell us how you feel.

p.s.  I hope you don't mind I edited your original quote so it wasn't so obnoxiously long

Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2017, 04:09:15 PM »
Get real Prima.  You can take all you losers in 40s and kick rocks.  I come into OM to get away from people like you.  For years you bashed me..  You need a hobby..
Its hilarious that you even did this and majorly pathetic..But carry on


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #20 on: November 14, 2017, 04:13:38 PM »
Get real Prima.  You can take all you losers in 40s and kick rocks.  I come into OM to get away from people like you.  For years you bashed me..  You need a hobby..
Its hilarious that you even did this and majorly pathetic..But carry on

Thank you ever so much for helping me make my case and point, Rose, this couldn't have been made possible with out you.

Again, this isn't about any one chatter, it's about bias. I'm sorry, have I not made that clear enough?

Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2017, 04:18:15 PM »
You know......I moved to Open Minded to get away from intense abuse that I faced in 40s.  I have tried my best to behave..  These people have nothing better to do than harrass me  Come into Open minded for months and go off on me.  I am sick of it all..  I have done my best.....and its not good enough.  Well, I would like to see ANY of you deal with what I have had to..  Walk in my shoes for one moment with your bullshit.


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2017, 04:21:03 PM »
You know......I moved to Open Minded to get away from intense abuse that I faced in 40s.  I have tried my best to behave..  These people have nothing better to do than harrass me  Come into Open minded for months and go off on me.  I am sick of it all..  I have done my best.....and its not good enough.  Well, I would like to see ANY of you deal with what I have had to..  Walk in my shoes for one moment with your bullshit.

Excuse me, this isn't about you Rose, please stop playing the victim; yes, it was unfortunate that you set yourself up to be used as an example, but that is on you, not anyone else. You can use the ignore button just as easily as anyone else.


Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2017, 04:26:04 PM »
Yeah right prima.  I am no victim but i left that cesspool you call 40s because you are the most immature idiots I have ever seen.  A bunch of racist lowlifes who th ink its ok to be horrid and hateful to others.  That room is RUINED because of people like you and BUdd and YUmmy and all you fools that commented.  I am far from a victim but I wont put up with your crap either. GROW UP


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2017, 04:29:59 PM »
Yeah right prima.  I am no victim but i left that cesspool you call 40s because you are the most immature idiots I have ever seen.  A bunch of racist lowlifes who th ink its ok to be horrid and hateful to others.  That room is RUINED because of people like you and BUdd and YUmmy and all you fools that commented.  I am far from a victim but I wont put up with your crap either. GROW UP

A sign of lack of inelegance is when one has to resort to name calling in an argument.

You are not contributing to the over all topic of this thread, nor do I believe you actually grasp the actual topic; with that being said, please continue to make an example of yourself, I will no longer reply to your comments unless they actually pertain to the topic at hand.

Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2017, 04:39:19 PM »
LOL @ all the names right now lurking  :'(


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2017, 04:40:22 PM »
All waiting  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2017, 04:41:14 PM »
LOL @ all the names right now lurking  :'(

This forum has never been so busy, Buzzen should thank me.

Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2017, 05:52:08 PM »
Prima, allow me to say that when I said your visit may be short, it was a JOKE, so please get a sense of humor.   I do not, have not and will not ban anyone for the fun of it.    There is always a damn good reason for it when I do ban.   And why create more drama and bs and post here?   If there are problems with OM and hosts, then bring it to a gold hosts attention.   We are more than approachable.  And Cosmina, you know good well why you are banned and there is no need to go into it.

So to anyone who may have issues with OM or the hosts, bring it to a gold hosts attention so we can rectify the problem.  And with this,
I am done commenting.   


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Re: Booting/Banning in OM
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2017, 06:01:22 PM »
Prima, allow me to say that when I said your visit may be short, it was a JOKE, so please get a sense of humor.   I do not, have not and will not ban anyone for the fun of it.    There is always a damn good reason for it when I do ban.   And why create more drama and bs and post here?   If there are problems with OM and hosts, then bring it to a gold hosts attention.   We are more than approachable.  And Cosmina, you know good well why you are banned and there is no need to go into it.

So to anyone who may have issues with OM or the hosts, bring it to a gold hosts attention so we can rectify the problem.  And with this,
I am done commenting.   

Is this not a forum? An avenue of communication? A method in which to converse? Why pray tell are the OM hosts/leaders so bent out of shape in my choice of venue? I have only spoken about the huge elephant in the room. Insulting my sense of humor only solidifies my point here; it seems this obvious criticism has rubbed many the wrong way - and might I say, no one has produced an answer, nor has anyone come to speak with me regarding this matter. Yes, I could come to OM and MAYBE find a gold hammer and MAYBE get my point across and MAYBE get banned, but it seems OM leadership/hosts are better at dodging questions than making unbiased choices.

It's a simple question, why is one set of rules applied to some chatters, but not others?