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Aquaticus's Profile

Current Mood: Soaked
Aquaticus (Aqua, Man)
Male - 61 years old, West Texas, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: 2020-06-05 10:12:31 pm Viewed 3,549 times Likes 14

I'm a piece of work, I'm iron and lace I'm shy, right up there in your face. I'm all dumbfounded, stubborn as an ass, Sharp as an arrow in a pile of glass. I'm a sweetheart, genius, restless jerk, Lord have mercy, I'm a piece of work. Well, the lord made me on a long thin limb, Made sure I'd remember him Or her in the middle of a long, dark night. Creation crazy, death sheet white. Made in the image of a lion shocked lamb, I am who the hell I am, Ever better, bad to worseDown to the letter I'm a piece of work. I'm a piece of work, I'm an angel's fiend, Bathed in lavender and gasoline. Scared brave shallow in an ink black well, Lightly browned in the fires of hell. Wicked, holy, full on fake, Best known for my big mistake. I'm Zen wise, peaceful, gone berserk, Good god almighty I'm a piece of work, I'm a dreadful sight and I just don't care. Spent all morning pulling out my hair I woke at dawn with a crazy spin. Half the day trying to glue back in. Mother, bloody mary, please Wipe that smile right off your knees. I'm the CEO of the mailroom clerks. Lord have mercy, what a piece of work. I'm a piece of work, I'm a lovesick boy, Cloth cap, caviar and corduroy. All over the map, just a-lost in space With a filthy mind and a choirboy's face. Heels up, head down, straight on through Watch out, woman I'm-a get to you. I'm a gladiator with a mind to irk. Good god almighty I'm a piece of work.

I've got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I came with nomad feet and some wandering toes That walk up my longboard and hang off the nose I suppose the need to focus never arose So something like a Swiss Army knife, that's my life Frankenstein had nothing on this body of mine The villagers still flockin' to see, to see me Breakin' free, breakin' free "Cause I got a school boy heart, novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I got a bartender ear and a beachcomber style Piratical nerve and a vaudevillian style I-yi-yi-yi-yi, i-yi-yi-yi-yi I suspect I died in some cosmic shipwreckWith all hands spread all over the deck,--what the heck. Then some kind of unseen and unscrupulous mind Began to pick up what he could find, added ice Shook me twice, rolled the dice Now I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I got a native tongue from way down south It sits in the cheek of my Gulf coastal mouth I got a school boy heart, a novelist eye Stout sailor's legs and a license to fly I came with nomad feet and some wandering toes That glide up my longboard and hang off the nose I-yi-yi-yi-yi, i-yi-yi-yi-yi,.......

I'm Growing Older but NOT Up!!!