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Thoughts from ashes H

Current Mood: Loved
Female - 28 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2018-08-14 12:21:07 am Category General Viewed 624 times Likes 3

 April 10, 2018 i had just come online to just again see what was out there, i went into the first room and ended up being the last room as i was captured. 

The Master Haigan there He was very Scary, i do believe His slaves just wished me gone, i almost ran wondering if i would ever ever be part of the home. 

May 29th yes i made it that long cause i was watching learning the girls on His chain, learning Hiim..Master also must have been watching because in a surprise He had put HIs collar on this slaves neck. 

i watch my sisters carefully , they are in love not in such a way but of a true chain sister, and friends. sugarlips, is fun to be near to hear them say these thigns . oh heck i know i am loved i just am ashes and that is good with me. i am grateful to be part of Master of amari of apple, it feels nice. 

i hope that i can be all my sisters are cause they are all that and much more. 

Mistress Madie, Mistress Zoya, Mistress Aaminah i lean from them too. 

But each one puts up with ashes, her ways, her strange talk as she tries to learn once more her language , her at times naughty ways.  

But i love and adore each one of them and i know i belong!!!! so to all mention I really love you all and am happy to be with you.

i am ashes'

Masters Haigans 3.


i just wanted to put here how my home is













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2018-08-14 5:55:18 am
ashes, she of scarlet locks and gentle heart. you are a key part of the whole which would be incomplete without you! ~ Madie
2018-08-14 6:34:32 am
I should have named you starlight, that's how beautiful and important you are to Me ashes. A vast part of My heart would be dark and forlorn without you girl.
2018-08-14 7:48:10 am
Wishing you all continued happiness. Thank you ashes for sharing a glimpse into your journey.
2018-08-14 8:10:12 am
Sounds like you found your spot in this vast place may happiness continue your way
2018-08-14 6:10:16 pm
little flame, you are well loved (F)
2018-08-14 6:21:57 pm
Our ashes, Master is right when He says you bring joy to Our home. you are a breath of fresh air and are indeed loved. (Ff)

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